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The Most Important Thing

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Oil, the most important thing in the World
It is true to say that Oil is a crucial thing in the lives of all people in the world. Its
significance can be traced back from the days of Churchill when security was a major issue
(Kruse, Felix). During this time the world experienced the first mechanized war where oil played
the most crucial role for the fighting countries. Imagine living in world without oil how life
would be difficult. The impact oil has on the lives of people cannot be understated as the history
and today statistics suggest. According to the survey which was conducted in the year 2002 by
the United States by the department of geological survey, it has explained the importance of oil,
giving facts and statistics. This is not only captivating to researchers and experts who loves
complex facts and data but is also easy to understand for any person with interest in Oil and its
importance to the world.
Oil is a necessity to many factories which manufacture various products for human
consumption. This makes oil a Secondary need if not basic as some may suggest .Oil is also able
to sustain any country and trigger the economic growth rapidly. Imagine a case where a country
gross domestic product depends that has always relied on oil is cut short, what would happen?
Running out of oil means that financial conditions of such countries are endangered. This is
because oil offers Foreigners and countrymen income from working in big companies especially
in Middle East. In addition, Specialist foreigners like engineers, accountants, drivers and security

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guards are dependants of such oil companies. The paper also provides an overview of countries
generating oil, their past oil history, discovered oil reserves and also the trends in which those
countries are taking concerning oil.
The economy of many Middle East countries primarily depend oil and if the processing
of oil was deteriorating, the level of economy also goes down. This is the reason why the Middle
East population is considered to be rich. Worldwide, Oil is consumed making its demand always
high. For example, Plastics are used in every aspect of human life. Several processes are
involved in the manufacturing of plastics from the crude oil. This means that if oil was to cease
in production, there will be no more plastics manufactured. The product and goods will not be
wrapped or kept without plastic and this will make life very difficult for the people. Not only the
plastics are made from oil but there are also other activities which cannot run without the use of
oil such as Motors, aircrafts, and trains ships and also industries. Electricity is also is produced
through the use of oil.
In the United States, it is proven that with the exclusion of reserve of strategic petroleum,
crude oil level had reached 36.4 billion barrels by the end of year 2014. These reserves of 2014
proved that it was the greatest reserve since the year 1972. Earlier in 1988, the production level
of crude oil in the United States had declined due to the production obtained from Alaska though
it later increased between 2009 and 2015. It is noteworthy that between 1970 and 2006, oil
production was reported to be 102 billion barrels (Bird, Kenneth, and David Houseknecht). As
the oil price peaked, more projects were carried and the oil produced domestically has increased.
United States took fewer years to develop their field of oil. To proof this, there was an
increment of about 800,000 barrels of oil in the year 2012. This was record breaking event since
the time drilling of oil started in 1859. Currently the state has opened many drilling localities in

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course Name: Date: Oil, the most important thing in the World It is true to say that Oil is a crucial thing in the lives of all people in the world. Its significance can be traced back from the days of Churchill when security was a major issue (Kruse, Felix). During this time the world experienced the first mechanized war where oil played the most crucial role for the fighting countries. Imagine living in world without oil how life would be difficult. The impact oil has on the lives of people cannot be understated as the history and today statistics suggest. According to the survey which was conducted in the year 2002 by the United States by the department of geological survey, it has explained the importance of oil, giving facts and statistics. This is not only captivating to researchers and experts who loves complex facts and data but is also easy to understand for any person with interest in Oil and its importance to the world. Oil is a necessity to many factories which manufacture various products for human consumption. This makes oil a Secondary need if not basic as some may suggest .Oil is also able to sustain any country and trigger the economic growth rapidly. Imagine a case where a country gross domestic product depends that has always relied on oil is cut short, what would happen? Running out of oil means that financial conditions of such countries are endangered. This is because oil offers Foreigners and countrymen income from working i ...
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