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Media Literacy

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Diversity in Media Literacy
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Diversity in Media Literacy
Question 1: Media Literacy and Critical Media Literacy
Media literacy refers to the capability of encoding and decoding symbols that are passed
on through media as well as the capability of synthesizing, doing analysis and production of
mediated messages. As media literacy involves understanding and having the capacity to encode
and decode messages by utilizing different communication forms, new technology, and culture,
critical media literacy goes deeper into understanding the power structures in the media and how
race, sexuality, class, and gender are epitomized in the media. It means that critical media
literacy enhances critical insight of power structures that enable the audience to have a profound
meaning between the three readings of media. Therefore, critical media literacy involves a
critical analysis of how audience uses power structures within media to either accept and share
text codes of reading (dominant reading), select preferred text and modify the text (negotiated
reading) or reject the reading (oppositional reading).
Question 2: Power and Power Struggle
As put out by Dr. Newton Huey, power is designated as the capability of describing facts,
situations, or people’s perception and making it act in a manner that is wanted. For example, the
media employs communication strategies to disseminate news and other programs to ensure the
public get the message in the right way. So, the means the media employs to convey information
to the public is what constitutes the power of the media. On the other hand, power struggle
represents either conscious or unconscious competition for material and immaterial resources by
groups based on the domain of notions and ideology. These different groups can be designated as
those with different ideologies and philosophies that can be defined by racism, colonialism,

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Running head: DIVERSITY IN MEDIA LITERACY Diversity in Media Literacy Author’s Name Institution Affiliation 1 DIVERSITY IN MEDIA LITERACY 2 Diversity in Media Literacy Question 1: Media Literacy and Critical Media Literacy Media literacy refers to the capability of encoding and decoding symbols that are passed on through media as well as the capability of synthesizing, doing analysis and production of mediated messages. As media literacy involves understanding and having the capacity to encode and decode messages by utilizing different communication forms, new technology, and culture, critical media literacy goes deeper into understanding the power structures in the media and how race, sexuality, class, and gender are epitomized in the media. It means that critical media literacy enhances critical insight of power structures that enable the audience to have a profound meaning between the three readings of media. Therefore, critical media literacy involves a critical analysis of how audience uses power structures within media to either accept and share text codes of reading (dominant reading), select preferred text and modify the text (negotiated reading) or reject the reading (oppositional reading). Question 2: Power and Power Struggle As put out by Dr. Newton Huey, power is designated as the capability of describing facts, situations, or people’s perception and making it act in a manner that is wanted. For example, the media employs communication strategies to diss ...
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