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Maple Leaf Shoes

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Evaluation of Recruitment Strategy Used by Maple Leaf Shoes
The vacant position of the human resource manager was advertised in the local
newspapers which was very advantageous. The method is cost effective. Newspaper
advertisements do not require vast capital for an advert to be printed compared to the televisions.
Not only does the company spend fewer amounts in this advert but also the targeted audience
will benefit cheaply costs of these newspapers.
There are no perturbations experienced when reading an advert printed on a newspaper
unlike the advertisements posted on online platforms. Pop ups disturb the reader as they keep on
flashing on and off the screen. Those adverts they therefore serve to divert the attention of the
reader. Conclusively, the strategy used for advertising is considered to be reliable and
trustworthy source by both the company and the audience.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor Course Date Evaluation of Recruitment Strategy Used by Maple Leaf Shoes The vacant position of the human resource manager was advertised in the local newspapers which was very advantageous. The method is cost effective. Newspaper advertisements do not require vast capital for an advert to be printed compared to the televisions. Not only does the company spend fewer amounts in this advert but also the targeted audience will benefit cheaply costs of these newspapers. There are no perturbations experienced when reading an advert printed on a newspaper unlike ...
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