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Community Corrections

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Running Head: Community Corrections 1
Community Corrections
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Community Corrections 2
Community Corrections
Week: Individual Project
Probation can be defined as a kind of a sanction that has been ordered on a person who
has violated the law. One is normally put on probation after they have been found guilty of
committing a particular crime. When one is under probation, they normally stay in communities
but under the supervision of a probation officer. Various types of probation exist and these
include community service, counseling, fines, jail time, reporting to the probation officer,
restitution, drug and alcohol restrictions and weapons restrictions
Two types of probabtion exist and these are serving a time in jail and then being put on
probation upon completion of the jail term or going on with the probation without having to go to
jail. For the second option, one can skip their jail time but only if they complete the probation
successfully. When one breaks the terms or conditions of their probation, they commit a
probation violation. Several factors affect the consequences that may come with the violation.
These factors include the seriousness and nature of the violation, any accounts of prior violations,
circumstances that may worsen or lessen the severity of the situation
Normally, there are no set rules regarding what may happen immediately after one
violates their probation. However, the first and foremost legal way of handling a probation
violation is for the probation officer to issue a warning or instruct the person to appear in court
for a hearing on the probation violation. In the event the offender is requested to appear in court,
the probation officer requests for some form of penalty which could potentially include jail term.
During the hearing, the prosecuting attorney needs to prove whether the violation occurred by a
preponderance of the evidence”

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Running Head: Community Corrections 1 Community Corrections Name: Course: Due Date: Name of Instructor: Community Corrections 2 Community Corrections Week: Individual Project Probation can be defined as a kind of a sanction that has been ordered on a person who has violated the law. One is normally put on probation after they have been found guilty of committing a particular crime. When one is under probation, they normally stay in communities but under the supervision of a probation officer. Various types of probation exist and these include community service, counseling, fines, jail time, reporting to the probation officer, restitution, drug and alcohol restrictions and weapons restrictions Two types of probabtion exist and these are serving a time in jail and then being put on probation upon completion of the jail term or going on with the probation without having to go to jail. For the second option, one can skip their jail time but only if they complete the probation successfully. When one breaks the terms or conditions of their probation, they commit a probation violation. Several factors affect the consequences that may come with the violation. These factors include the seriousness and nature of the violation, any accounts of prior violations, circumstances that may worsen or lessen the severity of the situation Normally, there are no set rules regarding what may happen immediately after one violates their probation. However, the first and foremost legal way of h ...
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