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Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is a service provider program which provides
help to the families which are victims of a major disaster which the president should announce as
a tragedy. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) implements the program in
agreement with the U.S Department of labor which funds the program and manages it. DUA in
conjunction with the government provides financial assistance to the affected individual.
Once a disaster strikes, the Disaster Unemployment Assistance becomes available to the
affected people who have lost their jobs and were supposed to work on the affected area
immediately the disaster strikes. Once the president of a state declares the disaster, the Disaster
Assistance Period takes 26 weeks in helping the victims of the tragedy. .
In the event of a disaster, the state announces the availability of the DUA and the affected
unemployed individuals or whose businesses were affected are required to file a claim and contact
the State Unemployment Insurance Agency for compensation. Also those who have been
evacuated to another state due to disaster should contact the affected state for help.
In conclusion, the Disaster Unemployment Assistance program helps individuals who are
affected by presidentially announced major disaster. Families should be aware of such program so
as to ask for assistance from the right program for their compensation of their lost jobs before
getting other jobs to provide for their family.

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Leon, S., Sandy L. “FEMA: Federal Disaster Relife.” GPSolo, vol. 17, no. 5, 2000, pp. 2631.

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Surname: 1 Name: Professor: Course: Date: Disaster Unemployment Assistance Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is a service provider program which provides help to the families which are victims of a major disaster which the president should announce as a tragedy. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) implements the program in agreement with the U.S Department of labor which funds the program and manages it. DUA in conjunction with the government provides financial assistance to the affected individual. Once a disaster strikes, the Disaster Unemployment Assistance becomes available to the affected people who have lost their jobs and were supposed to work on the affected area immediately the disaster strikes. Once the president of a state declares the disaster, the Disaster Assistance Period takes 26 weeks in helping the victims of the tragedy. . In the event of a disaster, the st ...
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