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Elecronic Record

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Electronic Health Records
Institution Affiliation

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Healthcare services have gradually improved in the modern day technology. However,
the adoption has been slow due to disagreement in the health institutions. The Electronic health
record is important given that it gives the history of a patient. This paper discusses in detail the
history of Electronic Health Records is health service delivery to a patient, their advantages, and
disadvantages to the general health services delivery. The world and especially the medical field
is using the electronic health records in a vast of the areas. Many of the organization across the
nation are in the high uptake of the Electronic Health records which become a major
breakthrough in health services provision.
EHR has a rich history in the United States and across the globe. Essentially, a lot of
problems were experienced in the health service. Schwartz in 1970 forecasted that the solution of
such problem is the introduction of clinical computing. In 1991, the Institute of medicine
approved the use of EHRs in the modern medicine. Since then, the health service had remained
silent (Hoyt et al, 2012). There were no such considerations of the health records though they
remained importantly in offering the services.
However, in 2009 the American Recovery Reimbursement Act, enabled the introduction
of the EHRs, by certifying it and other programs that are supported the by EHRs. Patient medical
records with their information are persevered for a long time giving a history of their medical
treatments progress. The information concerning a patient is made, compiled, controlled and
conferred to a medical profession in a given health organization (Hoyt et al, 2012). The
information technology was in it high at this time, making it much important to adopt the
changes in healthcare services.

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Running Head: ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS 1 11 Electronic Health Records Institution Affiliation Date ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS 2 Healthcare services have gradually improved in the modern day technology. However, the adoption has been slow due to disagreement in the health institutions. The Electronic health record is important given that it gives the history of a patient. This paper discusses in detail the history of Electronic Health Records is health service delivery to a patient, their advantages, and disadvantages to the general health services delivery. The world and especially the medical field is using the electronic health records in a vast of the areas. Many of the organization across the nation are in the high uptake of the Electronic Health records which become a major breakthrough in health services provision. EHR has a rich history in the United States and across the globe. Essentially, a lot of problems were experienced in the health service. Schwartz in 1970 forecasted that the solution of such problem is the introduction of clinical computing. In 1991, the Institute of medicine approved the use of EHRs in the modern medicine. Since then, the health service had remained silent (Hoyt et al, 2012). There were no such considerations of the health records though they remained importantly in offering the services. However, in 2009 the American Recovery Reimbursement Act, enabled the introduction of the EHRs, by certifying it and other programs that are supporte ...
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