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How Humanities Course

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Wilmington University
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How Humanities Course Can Be Applied To Your Time in College and/or Future Career Choice
Over the years, colleges and universities across the world have integrated their
curriculums with humanities subjects. While many analysts continue to argue on the importance
of studying humanities subjects, experience in the employment world has proven that these
subjects are critical. There are several instances where humanities education can be applied in
future career irrespective of which career path one takes. One of the most important ways
humanities can be applied in future career choice is to help better diversities which exist in the
world. Over the last few decades, the world has shifted from pure distribution to integration. This
has seen the world transform into a global village with different races and ethnicities spreading
all over. With the current trend, an understanding of different cultures, a way of lives, beliefs,
and practices of different cultures across the globe through humanities studies prepares one to
develop a flexible way of living for the future.
When one understands how others lead their lives, he will be in a position to appreciate
differences and uniqueness which may exist which could help reduce conflicts between one
another due to their uniqueness. In future career, other than practicing what one learns, most
individuals spend a considerable amount of time on other things. For example in a career in
structural engineering, only a fraction of what a structural engineer does is engineering. Most of
the time, such individuals spend their time managing others, dealing with political and social
issues in the community, looking for new projects, among other things. Studying different books
in this course taught on how agriculture influenced the expansion of the world population, and
how different arising and fighting between communities came to be. What came out of these
conflicts which often lead to many deaths was lack of understanding of different cultures,
practices, and beliefs of other communities. Having some background education on humanities
helps one understand different practices and ideologies which may exist in different communities
especially when dealing with multiracial communities.
By getting an understanding of past occurrences such as colonization and civilization,
one increases their global awareness skills and critical thinking which enable them to become
better persons in the society especially in interacting with others. Through an understanding of
past events described in this course, one can develop critical thinking capabilities over time.
Another importance of studying humanities is that it helps us develop a moral understanding
which enables us to become moral beings in future. By studying past encounters such as
Napoleon invasions, in battles which Alexander the Great, collectivization policy introduced by
Chairman Mao and its terrible failure and colonization helps us to hone our moral senses against
some of the real complexities individuals have faced in difficult settings. These stories also act as
an inspiration to us in our future endeavors by encouraging us to become better persons through
providing lessons of courage, diligence, and constructive protest.

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Surname 1 Student’s name Institution affiliation Tutor Date How Humanities Course Can Be Applied To Your Time in College and/or Future Career Choice Over the years, colleges and universities across the world have integrated their curriculums with humanities subjects. While many analysts continue t ...
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