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Answer Question Constitution

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1. American government has three branches which are Executive, Legislative and judicial.
Executive part is made up of the president, cabinet members and the vice president. The
finalization of the laws is done by this branch. Legislative also known as Congress makes
laws. It’s divided in two; senates who are hundred in number two from every state and
House of Representatives who debate ideas and decide which bills ought to become laws.
The last branch is Judicial, comprises Supreme Court and nine justices that is court
system. They interpret laws and hear cases related to the constitution. All the above three
branches have main headquarters in Washington D.C. (Redish 57)
2. The five basic principles in U.S constitution include Popular Sovereignty, Limited
Government, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances and Federalism. Population
Sovereignty shows that authority of Government comes from the people. It’s expressed
through citizens’ rights to vote, for example is where women are allowed to vote in the
Amendment. Limited Government shows that Constitution limits or restricts
government actions and power. Example is that the government must provide a jury trial
for you. Separation of Power gets rid of power concentration and abuse among
legislation, executive and judicial. The three being example it is Shown in Articles 1, 2
and 3Checks and Balances permits government branches to confine each other’s powers.
Example is the president rejecting a bill sent from congress. Federalism shows separation

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of power among the national and state governments. Example differentiating states
resources from national government
3. Constitutional framers established a way for amending the constitution but then made it
difficult to actually make any changes because they had noted that there will be social,
economic and political revolution in time to time and they made sure the constitution will
be able to adopt or will be able to be in agreement with changing social environment and
realities. Furthermore, it became difficult to implement this laws because of the
seriousness they wanted those changes to be. This reduces the conflicting ideas to be
implemented and also allowing fair and free changes of the constitution. Also prevented
common interests not affect the Constitution.
1. This is because same number of voters in the federal legislature brings about the equality
in states representatives. Thus, they do not believe in fairly representative where large
states have many representatives while small states have few representatives. They
believe that smaller states will have less power if they had single representative in this
federal system of government compered to large ones. This led them to create senate so
every state should be represented equally irrespective of population. They were afraid of
small states being oppressed by large states where their views and ideas will be negated
for they are single represented by minority in the senate. Equal representation will make
the senate fair, free and with equal opportunity to give views in the senate. (Watt 132)
2. This is because the proportional representation where based on population of a state,
representatives are draw from the size of its population. If the population is large the state
will have many representatives, if it has small populations it will have few or single

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Part 1: THE CONSTITUTION 1. American government has three branches which are Executive, Legislative and judicial. Executive part is made up of the president, cabinet members and the vice president. The finalization of the laws is done by this branch. Legislative also known as Congress makes laws. It’s divided in two; senates who are hundred in number two from every state and House of Representatives who debate ideas and decide which bills ought to become laws. The last branch is Judicial, comprises Supreme Court and nine justices that is court system. They interpret laws and hear cases related to the constitution. All the above three branches have main headquarters in Washington D.C. (Redish 57) 2. The five basic principles in U.S constitution include Popular Sovereignty, Limited Government, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances and Federalism. Population Sovereignty shows that authority of Government comes from the people. It’s expressed through citizens’ rights to vote, for example is where women are allowed to vote in the 19th Amendment. Limited Government shows that Constitution limits or restricts government actions and power ...
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