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1. Communication is a two-way practice of reaching a common understanding. It is made
possible through verbal means that include speech, written communication, signals, behavior
and through signs.
2. Mass media is a diversified group of technology that is purposed for reaching a mass
audience. It is used to communicate to a vast majority of the general public.
3. Mass media is a medium that broadcasts or communicate to a large mass and is set to affect
the lives of many
4. Media convergence encompasses the interaction or merging up of mass communication
outlets through several digital media platforms.
5. The theoretical building blocks of mass media includes
a) Social learning theory that suggests how media consumers can gain from learning
societal actions.
b) Cultivation theory demonstrated by how people view their ideas with those presented
in media.
c) Agenda setting which presents the concept of how the media brings out important
issues and happenings to the public.

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Surname 2
6. This is the attempt to divide media into social and traditional. Passive social media entails
creation and delivery of media content on one's social profile. Active social media, on the
other hand, is an interactive approach to community engagement.
7. Maslow hierarchy is a psychological theory that explains human motivation which was
formed after observing innate human curiosity. Media is a fundamental tool that meets our
innate need for connectivity, and as so we try to achieve our needs within the technological
constraints of our environment
8. This is important to a producer to get a better insight of the targeted audience.
9. Su Dongpo was renowned for his literature and creative script writing that would captivate
10. A message is a medium, and the content it carries affects the society by playing a role by the
content it takes and also the characteristics of the medium itself.
11. Storytelling is one of the oldest methods of conveying information. To date, storytelling is
utilized as a powerful tool to engage others.
12. It is essential to media as it showed how the press was effective in delivering messages that
would lead to their victories in wars.
13. Scribes were people in ancient Egypt who could read and write. Scribes used to read and
write hieroglyphics and hieratic scripts which were complicated.
14. Arts strategies help to disclose and improve the underlying uniqueness value and character of
the physical and social arrangement of a community.
15. Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1445. This played a significant role in changing the
lives of people in Europe and later throughout the world.
16. They positively affected the media. The media was able to make and sell religious books.

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Surname 1 Name: Professor: Course: Date: Answers 1. Communication is a two-way practice of reaching a common understanding. It is made possible through verbal means that include speech, written communication, signals, behavior and through signs. 2. Mass media is a diversified group of technology that is purposed for reaching a mass audience. It is used to communicate to a vast majority of the general public. 3. Mass media is a medium that broadcasts or communicate to a large mass and is set to affect the lives of many 4. Media convergence encompasses the interaction or merging up of mass communication outlets through several digital media platforms. 5. The theoretical building blocks of mass media includes a) Social learning theory that suggests how media consumers can gain from learning societal actions. b) Cultivation theory demonstrated by how people view their ideas with those presented in media. c) Agenda setting which presents the concept of how the media brings out important issues and happenings to the public. Surname 2 6. This is the attempt to divide media into social and traditional. Passive social media entails creation and delivery of media content on one's social profile. Active social media, on the other hand, is an interactive approach to community engagement. 7. Maslow hierarchy is a psychological theory that explains human motivation which was formed after observing innate human curiosity. Media is a fundamental tool that meets our innate need for connecti ...
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