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Teaching Methods

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Case in point method is one of the leading and best teaching method practices that is used
by teachers and institution to train and teach students. Case in the study involves participation
where the student is in engaged in the actual activity through practicing what they are running
rather than logical teaching. It is a method of experiential learning that has been used for a long
period to teach leadership skills and impact associated with search practices (Glover, 2003).
This method can be described as immersive, reflective and ideally a reflexive activity
facilitated by an individual who instructs and offers guidance to the students or learners in best
practice it is shaped by class participation.
Many teaching methods have been used and are currently being used; some involve
general teachings that applies only logical thinking by sharing knowledge and setting exams to
examine progress. Case-in-point has several advantages that make it one of the leading teaching
method. One, it prepares people to have the willingness, stamina, and resilience to work and
corporate with others.
Case in point helps practitioners generate self-awareness, their contribution to the system
and their impact on the group they are associated with. This method improves students’
performance. Many students are inductive than deductive. In this case, people learn better from
examples than from logical teachings. Case-in-point approach has been used in business school,
law school medical school and the social science. It can be used in any discipline depending on
the objectives of the instructors (Glover, 2003).

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SURNAME 1 Teaching Methods Institution Affiliation Instructors Name Students Name Course Name Unit Code Date SURNAME 2 Case-in-point Case in point method is one of the leading and best teaching method practices that is used by teachers and institution to train and teach students. Case in the study involves participation where the student is in engaged in the actual activity through practicing what they are running rather than logical teaching. It is a method of experiential learning that has been used for a long period to teach leadership skills and impact associated with search practices (Glover, 2003). This method can be described as immersive, reflective and ideally a reflexive activity facilitated by an individual who instructs and offers guidance to the students or learners in best practice it is shaped by class participation. Many teaching methods have been used and are currently being used; some involve general teachings that applies only logical thinking by sharing knowledge and setting exams to examine progress. Case-in-point has several advantages that make it one of the leading teaching method. One, it prepares people to have the willingness, stamina, and resilience to work and corporate with others. Case in point helps practitioners generate self-awareness, their contribution to the system and their impact on the group they are associated with. This method improves students’ performance. Many students are inductive than deductive. In this case, people learn be ...
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