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How Gene Expression Differs Identical Twins Copy

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Mireylis Engracio (Scientist/Medical Researcher) Center For Disease Control and Prevention Department: Office of Infectious Diseases ▪ Employee of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention ▪ The Office of Infectious Disease ▪ Our Goal is to protect public health and safety through the control of disease and disability. Introduction Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is common in more than 10% of the population. It mainly affect women's Its aetiology: environmental, pathophysiological mechanism, and genetics Its genetic. The purpose of the study Is IBS regulated by the environmental factors? It IBS genetic in nature? Literature Review The study Human genetic has opened doors for scientific study. Gene expression: instruction in the DNA is translated to a product like proteins. Genes can be a causative agent of some common disease Twins have common traits in gene variation. Literature Review Cont.…  Epigenetic are irreversible and dynamic epigenetic difference determines Anthropomorphic features and susceptibility Human looks are determined by genetic code The most common gastrointestinal disorders is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) :-Fraga et al, 2005. Literature Review Cont.…  Monozygotic has 100% of same gene. Dizygotic has 50% of the same gene  IBS is likely a complex genetic disease that is associated with several genes coupled with environmental factors  A candidate gene chosen by a researcher.  ...
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