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Case Study Rothia Mucilaginosa

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Case Study: Rothia Mucilaginosa
Typical Case History
Bio data:
28-year-old male, homeless, who does casual jobs.
Chief Complaints:
o Severe headache for two days
o Neck stiffness for one day
o Projectile vomiting for one day
History of presenting Illness:
o Patient reported to be well until three days ago when he started feeling generally
week. He said the headache initially was of dull ache but the intensity increased
with time. The headache was global in nature and pounding. There was associated
eye discomfort especially with bright light. Paracetamol did not relive the
headache significantly and it was worse in the morning.
o He also reported of neck stiffness. There is limited range of motion and he has to
turn his whole body check directions. There is no reliving factor.
o He also complained of projectile vomiting, which was worse in the morning.
Vomitus contained food ingested the previous night, non-bilious with no blood.
o There is hotness of the body, no history of night sweats but there history of
significant weight loss over last three months
Review of systems
There was history of a mild cough, non-productive with no associated chest pains. There
is complains of skin itching especially on the trunk region. The genital urinary and
cardiovascular systems were essentially normal.
Past Medical and Surgical History
There is no known chronic illness. No history of medical or surgical admission.

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Family Social History
He is an orphan, lives on the street. There is history of smoking, alcohol use and use of
intravenous drugs especially heroine.
A 28-year-old male presented with two-day history of severe headache associated with
photophobia, one-day history of projectile vomiting and neck stiffness. He is a homeless
uses intravenous drug.
Physical Examination
o He was sick looking, obviously wasted and unkempt. The marked oral thrush,
moderate conjunctiva and lingual pallor, and generalized lymphadenopathy. No
cyanosis, finger clubbing nor edema.
o Respiratory rate was 24 breaths per minute, temperature was 39.5 C, Heart rate
was 92 beats per minute, blood pressure was 132/ 87 mmHg and SPO2 was 98%
o On nervous exam, neck was stiff and kerning and brudnziski signs were positive.
Higher centers, cranial nerves, sensory and motor systems were normal.
o In the respiratory exam, fine crepitations were heard in both lung fields.
o Other systems were normal
Investigations and results
o Complete blood count- there was pancytopenia. Hb of 8g/dl, WBC of 2.4 * 10^6,
platelets of 150.
o Diagnostic testing and counseling for HIV virus done, patient tested positive.
o Lumbar puncture-There is increased pressure, looked turbid. There was increased
protein, reduced glucose, rothia mucilaginosa cultured. Z-N stain negative. Indian
Ink stain negative
o 2 Blood cultures obtained were with positive with rothia mucilaginosa and
negative for Cryptococcus meningitis

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Case Study: Rothia Mucilaginosa Typical Case History Bio data: 28-year-old male, homeless, who does casual jobs. Chief Complaints: o Severe headache for two days o Neck stiffness for one day o Projectile vomiting for one day History of presenting Illness: o Patient reported to be well until three days ago when he started feeling generally week. He said the headache initially was of dull ache but the intensity increased with time. The headache was global in nature and pounding. There was associated eye discomfort especially with bright light. Paracetamol did not relive the headache significantly and it was worse in the morning. o He also reported of neck stiffness. There is limited range of motion and he has to turn his whole body check directions. There is no reliving factor. o He also complained of projectile vomiting, which was worse in the morning. Vomitus contained food ingested the previous night, non-bilious with no blood. o There is hotness of the body, no history of night sweats but there history of significant weight loss over last three months Review of systems There was history of a mild cough, non-productive with no associated chest pains. There is complains of skin itching especially on the trunk region. The genital urinary and cardiovascular systems were essentially normal. Past Medical and Surgical History There is no known chronic illness. No history of medical or surgical admission. Family Social History He is an orphan, lives on the street. There is hist ...
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