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Module 1 Discussion

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Colorado State University
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Module 1 Discussion

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The approach that organizations take to "attack their own system" as a way to harden their
security is excellent. This is because it hardens the system, reduces the attack surface of any kind
of potential target by getting rid of components that are not necessary, and adds extra protection.
The hardening process of "attack your own systems" should aim to exploit the most common types
of cyber-attacks. These can be DDOS attacks, password attacks, SQL-injection attacks, cross-site
scripting attacks, or Man-in-the-middle attacks (Hruza, 2014). The organization’s employees in
the IT departments or outside experts can perform the attacks.
The most common attacks that should be considered are denial-of-service (DoS) and
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks usually overwhelm the system’s
resources, making them unable to respond to any service requests. DDOS attacks are usually
launched from large numbers of host machines. The machines are first infected with malicious
software that the attacker controls. This attack can be conducted by an organization to check
whether there is a possibility of it happening, as it usually has devastating effects.
When organizations attack their own systems, there are increased chances of finding any
vulnerabilities present that attackers can take advantage and exploit. Only trusted people of high
integrity should be allowed to conduct this activity since my past experience shows that some
malicious people conducting this process can steal crucial company information. Since passwords
are the most commonly used technique for authenticating users to the organization’s system, brute-
force or dictionary attacks can be conducted by the organization to check their strength. Account
lockout policies can be implemented to lock out accounts after a few invalid password attempts.
In my view, "attack your own system" is a very robust and excellent technique for hardening

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1 Module 1 Discussion Name Course Instructor Institution Date 2 The approach that organizations take to "attack their own system" as a way to harden their security is excellent. This is because it hardens the system, reduces the attack surface of any kind of potential target by getting rid of components that are not necessary, and adds extra protection. The hardening process of "attack your own systems" should aim to exploit the most common types of cyber-attacks. These can be DDOS attacks, password attacks, SQL-injection attacks, cross-site scripting attacks, or Man-in-the-middle attacks (Hruza, 2014). The organization’s employees in the IT departments or outside experts can perform the attacks. The most common attacks that should be considered are denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks usually overwhelm the system’s resourc ...
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