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Early Childhood Discipline Revised

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Early Childhood Discipline

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Although childhood discipline is an important issue of concern for parents, this topic is
often emphasized by family physicians and most healthcare providers. Behavior problems in
early childhood are relatively rampant but frequently ignored by physicians. This therefore
demands for proper education of parents on the effective use of approaches and styles to ensure
discipline is natured in early childhood. Discipline during early childhood should be
administered in an instructive manner and should not in cooperate positive reinforcement for
good behavior at this level of early childhood. To ensure discipline in early childhood it is
important to use punishment to realize good behavior and erode existing bad behavior. This can
be achieved by ensuring punishment is fair, appropriate and effective so as to realize its goals
and objectives. One of the common forms of punishment that is widely accepted is corporal
punishment though it is not effective for early childhood discipline it is still widely used by
parents and guardians. This has raised concerns over the growing cases of mistreatments and
abuse associated with corporal punishment. Therefore, since discipline plays a significant role in
the social and emotional development of children in early childhood, physicians should be
encouraged to discuss this are of concern with parents and guardians to ensure discipline and
good behavior is realized in children in early childhood.

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Running head: EARLY CHILDHOOD DISCIPLINE 1 Early Childhood Discipline Name: Institution: EARLY CHILDHOOD DISCIPLINE 2 Abstract Although childhood discipline is an important issue of concern for parents, this topic is often emphasized by family physicians and most healthcare providers. Behavior problems in early childhood are relatively rampant but frequently ignored by physicians. This therefore demands for proper education of parents on the effective use of approaches and styles to ensure discipline is natured in early childhood. Discipline during early childhood should be administered in an instructive manner and should not in cooperate positive reinforcement for good behavior at this level of early childhood. To ensure discipline in early childhood it is important to use punishment to realize good behavior and erode existing bad behavior. This can be achieved by ensuring punishment is fair, appropriate and effective so as to realize its goals and objectives. One of the common forms of punishment that is widely accepted is corporal punishment though it is not effective for early childhood discipline it is still widely used by parents and guardians. This has raised concerns over the growing cases of mistreatments and abuse associated with corporal punishment. Therefore, since discipline plays a significant role in the social and emotional development of children in early childhood, physicians should be encouraged to discuss this are of concern with parents and guardian ...
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