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Phi103 Week 5 Discussion Response

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Week 5- Discussion Response
Three Valuable Intellectual Traits for Critical Thinking
In the wake of a world that requires critical thinkers, it is indeed true that intellectual
humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual empathy are valuable traits to achieve this. One
good thing that ought to be learned in all these three traits is tolerance. I agree with the fact that a
good critical thinker and argument maker should not argue more than he/she knows, nor should
they make claims about the information they are not sure about. Intellectual courage indeed
demands that as we remain tolerant of opposing views, we should never be shy to pursue more
knowledge to enhance the accuracy of information we have. Therefore, exercising humility,
tolerance, and knowledge seeking attitude will help build us as great critical thinkers.

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Week 5- Discussion Response Three Valuable Intellectual Traits for Critical Thinking In the wake of a world that requires critical thinkers, it is indeed true that intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual empathy are valuable traits to achieve this. One good thing that ought to ...
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