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Discussion Questions week 7

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Week 5 DQ 1
Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking
on Reply. The due date for this Discussion Question is Week 5, Day 2.
Post your response to the following: What are some ways in which American
society is stratified? What do you think the impact is on society when groups are
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Week 5 DQ 2
Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking
on Reply. The due date for this Discussion Question is Week 5, Day 4.
Post your response to the following: Give at least two specific examples from your
personal experiences that demonstrate stratification. For example, describe where
you have observed stratification in the workplace, the media, home, or school.
What were the consequences of stratification in these examples?
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Week 5 DQ 1? Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply.? The due date for this Discussion Question is Week 5, Day 2. ????????? ?Post your response to the following:? What are some ways in which American society is stratified?? What do you think the impact is on society when groups are stratified? Unlike countries like India that has a closed caste system, the United States has more of?an open class system?that encourages social mobility. However, social stratification in American Society is not clearly determined or defined. Most Americans believe in a three class society; rich, poor and middle class. The reality is, the American society is more diverse with more complex differences among people. Some of the main determinants that makes the American social class are education, wealth, occupation, and income. Social class creates a hier ...
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