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Management Case Study

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Florida International University
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Management Case Study
Question One
Based on the needs theory, Jones was in need of self-actualization. She intended to be
the best she could be in a new role after successfully finishing her training. After joining the
banking industry, Jones successfully fulfilled her lower-level needs, such as physiological,
safety, and esteem needs, meaning they no longer motivated her. The people she worked with
recognized her excellent performances, and she was considered to be an above-average
worker at her branch. She, however, needed to move to her own position at another branch,
which she believed would allow her to be the best she could be in her profession and have
more freedom and authority to influence different aspects of her job. This shows she was in
need of self-actualization, which can only be attained after one has successfully achieved
lower levels goals in their life. Jones had been highly successful in her work at the branch and
was, as a result, motivated to achieve even more success by taking on challenging roles at
other branches.
Question Two
Both her manager and the training officer believed Jones was highly talented and
performed better than other trainees in the program. Based on the comments they gave, Jones
could expect to get a long-term position at the bank as an employee since she has proven that
she was capable of excelling in her role. Due to her above-average performance in the
training program, Jones was finally hired in a real position at another branch as she had
expected. Based on the Expectancy theory, people are supposed to be motivated by results
that they will attain from taking a specific course of action (Rehman & Afzal, 2019). If
people believe the results would be positive, they are likely to be more motivated. Jones was
highly motivated during the training because she believed she would get a real position that

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1 Management Case Study Question One Based on the needs theory, Jones was in need of self-actualization. She intended to be the best she could be in a new role after successfully finishing her training. After joining the banking industry, Jones successfully fulfilled her lower-level needs, such as physiological, safety, and esteem needs, meaning they no longer motivated her. The people she worked with recognized her excellent performances, and she was considered to be an above-average worker at her branch. She, however, needed to move to her own position at another branch, which she believed w ...
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