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Concept paper 1

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Caliguia, Mikaela
Murcillo, Leira Mae
Pascua, Jeano Raeben
Sagad, Jose Romeo
Sefuentes, Lewis Emar
THEME: Helping the affected residents of Northern Luzon celebrate Christmas after
the devastating Typhoon Maring.

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Over the years, the Philippines has been struck by disasters such as
typhoons, earthquakes and floods due to our country's geographical features
and location, being surrounded by bodies of water, and located in the ring of fire.
Due to disasters, many people around the country experienced loss of livelihood,
residence and most especially loved ones. Although we know that the
Government of our country is doing what they can to prevent this disaster and
deliver disaster response service in order to help those who are affected by
disasters and calamities, we, as students, can help and provide assistance to our
own countrymen in trying times. Recently, Typhoon Maring hit Northern Luzon
leaving most of North Luzon devastated. With estimated P220-M damage to
Ilocos Norte, fruit and rice crops were submerged in flood. Due to heavy rain and
landslides, some roads are closed in Ilocos Norte, and one reported casualty of a
woman who was swept away due to heavy floods. Meanwhile in Ilocos Sur the
damage in agriculture and infrastructure is estimated to be around P580-M. The
farmers are mainly affected by the Typhoon Maring. This is why our group has
come up with a program that would help these farmers to celebrate this coming
Christmas happily, despite the losses they had due to Typhoon Maring.

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ILO-CAUSE (CAUSE FOR ILOCOS) GROUP 2: Caliguia, Mikaela Murcillo, Leira Mae Pascua, Jeano Raeben Sagad, Jose Romeo Sefuentes, Lewis Emar THEME: Helping the affected residents of Northern Luzon celebrate Christmas after the devastating Typhoon Maring. Introduction Over the years, the Philippines has been struck by disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and floods due to our country's geographical features and location, being surrounded by bodies of water, and located in the ring of fire. Due to disasters, many people around the country experienced loss of livelihood, residence and most especially loved ones. Although we know that the Government of our country is doing what they can to prevent this disaster and deliver disaster response service in order to help those who are affected by disasters and calamities, we, as students, can help and provide assistance to our own countrymen in trying times. Recently, Typhoon Maring hit Northern Luzon leaving most of North Luzon devastated. With estimated P220-M damage to Ilocos Norte, fruit and rice crops were submerged in flood. Due to heavy rain and landslides, some roads are closed in Ilocos Norte, and one reported casualty of a woman who was swept away due to heavy floods. Meanwhile in Ilocos Sur the damage in agriculture and infrastructure is estimated to be around P580-M. The farmers are mainly affected by the Typhoon Maring. This is why our group has come up with a program that would help these farmers to celebrate this comi ...
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