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Health Services and Nursing Scenario
Topic 1: Predicting Expected Medicare Payers
Institution Affiliation
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Date of Submission
Below is data on the Medicare payers from the year 2003 to 2014, in Humboldt County. The data
is used to determine the trend in the number of Medicare subscribers in the county.
Finding the mean:
To obtain the mean, we divide the total cumulative frequency by the number of years considered
i.e. mean=
 
 
Years since
County Zip Code
2003 0
Humbolt 90001 35612 35612 0.060765628
2004 1
Humbolt 90001 37412 73024 0.063837012
2005 2
Humbolt 90001 39841 112865 0.067981674
2006 3
Humbolt 90001 40123 152988 0.068462858
2007 4
Humbolt 90001 43122 196110 0.073580125
2008 5
Humbolt 90001 44125 240235 0.075291568
2009 6
Humbolt 90001 51229 291464 0.087413297
2010 7
Humbolt 90001 59748 351212 0.101949476
2011 8
Humbolt 90001 57008 408220 0.097274147
2012 9
Humbolt 90001 56727 464947 0.096794669
2013 10
Humbolt 90001 57985 522932 0.098941226
2014 11
Humbolt 90001 63123 586055 0.107708321

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The visuals below, that include a scatter plot, a histogram and a pie chart were developed for the
Medicare payers data for Humboldt county tabulated above.
Scatter Plot:
From the scatter plot’s trend line, it is evident that the number of Medicare payers in Humboldt
County has been increasing over the years.
Using the trend line equation, the number of Medicare Payers expected in the year 2018, which
is year 15, can be obtained as follows:
Y = 2613.2x + 34465
Y = 2613.2 (15) + 34465

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SURNAME1 Health Services and Nursing Scenario Topic 1: Predicting Expected Medicare Payers Institution Affiliation Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Date of Submission Below is data on the Medicare payers from the year 2003 to 2014, in Humboldt County. The data is used to determine the trend in the number of Medicare subscribers in the county. Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years since 2003 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 County Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt MEAN: Medicare Cumulative Relative Zip Code payers Frequency Frequency 90001 35612 35612 0.060765628 90001 37412 73024 0.063837012 90001 39841 112865 0.067981674 90001 40123 152988 0.068462858 90001 43122 196110 0.073580125 90001 44125 240235 0.075291568 90001 51229 291464 0.087413297 90001 59748 351212 0.101949476 90001 57008 408220 0.097274147 90001 56727 464947 0.096794669 90001 57985 522932 0.098941226 90001 63123 586055 0.107708321 48837.9167 Finding the mean: To obtain the mean, we divide the total cumulative frequency by the number of years considered i.e. mean= 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 = 586055 12 = 48837.9167 SURNAME2 The visuals below, that include a scatter plot, a histogram and a pie chart were developed for the Medicare payers data for Humboldt county tabulated above. Scatter ...
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