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Week 1 DQ 1 and 2

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Week 1 DQ 1
In your own words, define environmental sustainability. Then, list three behaviors of your
own that threaten environmental sustainability. How could you change those behaviors to
reduce threats to environmental sustainability?
Environmental sustainability would be the ability to use natural resources without eecng the
environment of the area. The rst thing I would list is the use of fossil fuels to travel. Since I live
over 15 miles away from where I work I use a lot of gas. Apart from helping the world consume
the li#le bit of fuel le$ I am adding to the polluon with the exhaust and emissions from my
truck. The second environmental threat I am involved in would be the use of aerosol cans. Hair
spray is the main one used in my home, personally I do not use it but since I purchase it for my
wife and children I am just as much to blame as they are. Lastly I would have to say that since
the price of dumping garbage is outrageous I am helping pollute our environment because I try
to burn whatever I can to keep from paying more at the dump site. However, if you look at it the
right way it is either burn and pollute of dump and pollute, both ways are potenally aecng
the environment. The landlls we are creang are only ge*ng bigger, lled with items that will
not dissolve for many years to come and making the ground unusable.
Week 1 DQ 2
Reflect on your own worldview and compare it with the worldviews presented in the text.
Provide examples of the benefits of your view to defend your position.
Although I do follow the western worldview to a certain extent, I would have to say that I do
follow the deep ecology worldview. I am a rm believer that all things should live in peace and
harmony and be well balanced, which the world is not and probably never will be again. I was
raised to live o the land and only use what was needed. We raised our own ca#le, pigs,
chickens, vegetables and even spices. I sll have my own garden and give away what my family
does not need; however, I do live in a rural area so raising animals is out of the queson. I do
have friends who bring wounded animals over to my house all the me and I will mend them
unl they are healed and then release it back to the wild. This is always grafying when this
happens, I am a rm believer in do not kill what you do not plan on eang.
On the other hand I do indulge in the technology of today and will probably connue doing so
unl I am six feet under. I only buy what I need though; I try not to over indulge myself or my
family in the ner things. Hopefully my children will this when they are grown and leave my
house. I feel that if the whole world can work as one we might be able to change some of the
tragedies happening to our planet, such as animal exncons, polluon, over populaon and so
forth. One can only try and do their part and spread the word when they can.

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Week 1 DQ 1 In your own words, define environmental sustainability. Then, list three behaviors of your own that threaten environmental sustainability. How could you change those behaviors to reduce threats to environmental sustainability? Environmental sustainability would be the ability to use na ...
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