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Aqualiza case study

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AquaLisa Case Study
Central problem
Aqualisa quartz shower, was a state-of-the-art product of Aqualisa. It was launched in
May 2001. Quartz was the result of the intense market research, fantastic piece of
technology and design. Harry Rawlinson’s dilemma was regarding this innovation, it was
not seen as an opportunity instead as a problem. The case central issue is that Quartz
sales were suffering for Aqualisa. This case shows there is a disconnect between the
consumers and the plumbers in understanding the value of the new product. This could
be a result of a slow adoption process from the stigma of previous electric shower
failures, that there is no faith in quality of this shower.
Environmental Scan:
From (Peng, Wang and Jiang, 2008) we learn external environment can improve the
position of a company and maintain their growth or it can have rippling effects on culture
and business. Environmental issues being considered in this case study are competing
electric showers, demographic, economic, political legal and socio-cultural.
There are individual customers and plumbers around the world that will benefit from
electric showers. The customers vary between people doing their own DIY and the
plumbers. Understanding this is important as it is one of the key factors in forecasting
an economy. Other factors are how is the plumbing happening, if it is gravity fed
plumbing (meaning slow water pressure), with varying temperatures this is a problem
that impacts the buyer. Consumers and plumbers do not have much faith in the current
quality of existing shower products much less an electronic version. Plumbers chose the
shower most suitable for the customers. Thus, they were very influential. Due to their
influence the plumbers needed a product they were familiar with. Installation of
showers take time, so everyone wanted to have the ability to do a quick safe and easy
install. Other consumers were the developers. With the foot and mouth crisis
happening it was crucial to have hygiene and good showers be available. The
distributors from whom showers are brought segregate the consumers. Consumers
were ranging from the high-end customers who buy from showrooms, to value
customers who obtain showers from DIY sheds and developers who are the home
owners. Understanding this enables the understanding of why the showers needed to
be easy to install, attractive, safe, and affordable.
2001 UK economy was reasonable. There were numerous indicators of the rapid
downfall. Economy had managed to survive on of the major domestic shocks in the
form of foot and mouth crisis without a major downturn. UK was also impacted by the
global economy. The first recession was seen for UK in over a decade. US had an 8-
month recession in 2001 which began in March and ended in November (National

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Bureau of Economic Research, 2003). The US economy was recovering in the 4th
quarter, but unemployment rates were still high and kept climbing till 2003 stopping at
6%. Both the Federal Reserve in US and the Bank of England in UK had responded to
the recession by relaxing monetary policy, it was not enough to offset the recessionary
forces (Turner, P. 2001).
International trade laws were being amended. Certain goods were still being restricted,
but the trades were being sanctioned, and the goods were now becoming global. There
were penalties for incorrectly exporting importing goods, these are listed under the
Customs Excise Management Act 1954(CEMA). This was being modified and PartV of
CEMA contains provisions on the enforcement of export rules including the restrictions
(Article 68, CEMA).
Other laws to consider are building and safety regulations. The Building Act of 1984
was being modified and different regulations were being added. This is another
important factor to consider, as if shower is not placed correctly several other issues
can result (UK legislation). This law is different in different states and globally and
should also be understood to know how to target different niches.
Social distancing laws were being developed to help control the outbreak of foot and
mouth. The laws were important as this was a pandemic that hit and there was no
solution, to stop spreading this became an important law. Other laws were that of safe
food hygiene as contaminated food could cause the disease to spread. The food
hygiene expanded to general hygiene as well.
Patent law needs to be considered. How long will the patent be valid with the changes
being made to the Patents Act 1977.
Excavation, safety were other things to also consider when installing showers.
Socio Cultural
Normally plumbing was a field that only men dominated. DIY developers could have
women. Predominately the industry was male dominated, this is important to
understand as it shows the vivid image of the niche market being targeted.
Competitive Analysis
Competition is a strong force that drives the business to success or sinks it to peril. The
competition for electric showers is rising both in UK and around the globe. The
company undergoing such competition can analyze business Intelligent Systems (BIS)
to see why their products are failing and use this with the Recency Frequency Monetary
(RFM) factors to develop solutions to survive the competition. Better business and
marketing strategies is the optimal solution for differentiation in a competitive market.
The other option is to seek a legal injunction to protect the organization from any
impacts while it invests in strategies to recover the losses. Companies need to
understand the market saturation, how and when to penetrate the markets to aid in

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AquaLisa Case Study Central problem Aqualisa quartz shower, was a state-of-the-art product of Aqualisa. It was launched in May 2001. Quartz was the result of the intense market research, fantastic piece of technology and design. Harry Rawlinson’s dilemma was regarding this innovation, it was not seen as an opportunity instead as a problem. The case central issue is that Quartz sales were suffering for Aqualisa. This case shows there is a disconnect between the consumers and the plumbers in understanding the value of the new product. This could be a result of a slow adoption process from the stigma of previous electric shower failures, that there is no faith in quality of this shower. Environmental Scan: From (Peng, Wang and Jiang, 2008) we learn external environment can improve the position of a company and maintain their growth or it can have rippling effects on culture and business. Environmental issues being considered in this case study are competing electric showers, demographic, economic, political legal and socio-cultural. Demographic There are individual customers and plumbers around the world that will benefit from electric showers. The customers vary between people doing their own DIY and the plumbers. Understanding this is important as it is one of the key factors in forecasting an economy. Other factors are how is the plumbing happening, if it is gravity fed plumbing (meaning slow water pressure), with varying temperatures this is a problem that impacts the bu ...
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