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Scenes From The Life Of Saint John The Baptist Painting Analysis Edited

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Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist Painting Analysis
I have picked the picture of Saint John which was done by Bartolommeo di Giovanni in
the year 1495. In this artwork, Bartolomeo uses naturalism. Every aspect of this artwork seems to
be so natural that it can even get recreated again. The piece is also drawn using three dimensions’
form. Specifically, Giovanni has employed the technique of using an organic design in that the
picture is not uniform on all sides meaning it has curves, edges or sinews. It tends to go from
three dimensions to two dimensions.
I also find the picture to be a relic. The image looks to be of the old time, depicting
scenes of the past age of John the Baptist and thus qualifies it to be a relic. A keen observation
reveals the use of symbolism in the painting. We see different people painted in the picture at
several times, and each group is a representation of the various stages of life for instance birth
and old age. Also, Giovanni has used paint as the medium to draw this image.

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Surname 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Course title Date Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist Painting Analysis I have picked the picture of Saint John which was done by Bartolommeo di Giovanni in the year 1495. In this artwork, Bartolomeo uses naturalism. Every aspect of this art ...
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