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Week 2 assignment Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment 1
Risk Assessment
Student Name
College Name

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Risk Assessment
It is with much consideration on both sides that I have come to my decision and I hope
everyone will understand. While going over the information provided and assessing all areas of
possible contamination, sickness, and even the possibility of deaths caused by both hazards we
are faced with, I could only make one decision. Over the past few days I have contemplated the
good that can come from spraying our wetlands with the pesticide Malathion and I have also
considered the damage that can be done. It has been a long hard process of deliberating with my
wants and my conscious but I have finally decided. So without taking any further time from the
council members my decision is against spraying with the pesticide Malathion.
This decision is based on a risk assessment that I did with the information provided by
both sides. The need is great to stop the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV) but it does not
justify the use of a pesticide that could have a devastating effect on our natural environment.
With very little evidence that this pesticide will not contaminate the very water we use to irrigate
our fields or even kill the local wildlife I must say that we need to look for alternative ways of
dealing with our mosquito problem.
Since the population of mosquitoes is dependent on the female of the species and the
“females are the only ones that feed on blood which allows them to produce eggs” (1997), then a
study on the females might be our best defense. If we can isolate the chemical needed to produce
their eggs and alter it then their need for feeding would cease. We could also look at the breeding
grounds of the mosquito and set up observation stations and control stations to try and reduce the
larva that will turn into mosquitoes. Since these larva float near the surface of the water a sweep
of the water with small nets at least twice a week could slow the growth population and reduce
the chances of tourists or our locals contracting the WNV. This is only a suggestion for the

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Running head: RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assessment Student Name College Name Risk Assessment It is with much consideration on both sides that I have come to my decision and I hope everyone will understand. While going over the information provided and assessing all areas of possible contamination, sickness, and even the possibility of deaths caused by both hazards we are faced with, I could only make one decision. Over the past few days I have contemplated the good that can come from spraying our wetlands with the pesticide Malathion and I have also considered the damage that can be done. It has been a long hard process of deliberating with my wants and my conscious but I have finally decided. So without taking any further time from the council members my decision is against spraying with the pesticide Malathion. This decision is based on a risk assessment that I did with the information provided by both sides. The need is great to stop the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV) but it does not justify the use of a pesticide that could have a devastating effect on our natural environment. With very little evidence that this pesticide will not contaminate the very water we u ...
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