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Marxism, often referred to as historical materialism, is a philosophical theory propounded by Karl
Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19
century. First, they viewed development as an increase in
material wealth and believed that development was driven by only a few rich people (capitalists)
in the society which resulted in an uneven distribution of wealth. Thus, Marxistsmain critique of
capitalism is based on the argument that capitalism breeds economic inequality i.e. the widening
gap between the rich and the poor. Marxists, therefore, claimed that class struggles (dialectics) are
essential for equitable social and economic development. According to Peet and Hartwick (2015),
Fundamental transformative change occurs when contradictions build to the breaking point. This
basically refers to tensions and conflicts between different economic classes in the society which
are the capitalists and the laborers. Marxism eventually results in Socialism. Socialism is the
political and economic theory of social organization that advocates public or collective ownership
of means of production.
Another viewpoint of the concept of Marxism is the progress from an ideological realm to a
physical world. For Marxists, only material or tangible things count as reality. This viewpoint of
Marxism is opposed to the concept of ‘Idealismwhich believes in realities beyond the physical.
Idealists argue that the physical reality originates from mental activity, but Marxists believe only
in things that could be seen and felt.
Pros of Marxism
Marxism advocates for a socially constructed development with equitable distribution of resources
and demolition of class structures of the society. It is difficult to argue against this Marxist
viewpoint of development since most, if not everyone, desires equal distribution of resources.
Again, the argument that class struggles are essential for social advancement holds true

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considering that most countries of the world have gone through conflicts and civil wars and have
come out stronger. For instance, the United States after the civil war became a more united nation
and the central government looked to ensure social equity and justice as a measure against another
violent uprising. On a global level, power struggles between nations deteriorated to a world war
but also brought about the formation of the United Nations. The United Nations act as an institution
of dialogue for all nations to interact openly and freely (collective ownership) to make a better
world for everyone. Struggles and conflict between supporters and opponents of slave trade led to
the abolishment of the slave trade and fostered the institution of equal rights and social justice for
people of different races and nations. These are what Marxists would call conflict driven
Again, on the argument that all human choices and actions are driven by economic forces might
hold true as well given that most times we do what we do to make ends meet; to provide our basic
needs of food, clothing, and shelter. At times parents work several jobs no matter how stressful
and inconveniencing so they could pay bills and provide for themselves and their families. Again,
we go to school and learn with the hopes of getting a good job with a really good salary.
Furthermore, one might ask why people steal and the simple answer would be for economic and
material gains. These are just to mention a few points of how human actions are driven by
economic forces.
Cons and Criticisms of Marxism
First, Marxism portrays human judgments, choices, and actions as determined by material and
economic forces. However, they fail to see that human beings are not always driven by economic
forces, they are at least as recognized by Peet and Hartwick (2015), capable of living and acting in
accordance with greater morals. Our culture, laws, belief systems and what we perceive as good

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THE CONCEPT OF MARXISM Marxism, often referred to as historical materialism, is a philosophical theory propounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. First, they viewed development as an increase in material wealth and believed that development was driven by only a few rich people (capitalists) in the society which resulted in an uneven distribution of wealth. Thus, Marxists’ main critique of capitalism is based on the argument that capitalism breeds economic inequality i.e. the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Marxists, therefore, claimed that class struggles (dialectics) are essential for equitable social and economic development. According to Peet and Hartwick (2015), ‘Fundamental transformative change occurs when contradictions build to the breaking point’. This basically refers to tensions and conflicts between different economic classes in the so ...
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