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Religion Stephen Prothero

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Stephen Prothero is a renowned professor of religion at Boston University. Prothero is a
historian of American religions and has been able to come up with various books talking about
religion in general. In total, he has six books in which a book entitled God is Not One is among
them. In the book God is Not One, Prothero discusses the eight rival religions that are running the
world and the way the difference between these beliefs is very significant (Prothero, Stephen,
2011). This author celebrates the differences that exist between the eight religions in the world.
He goes farther to provide an intuitive guide on what these faiths involve. This paper will
summarize one of the chapters in this book, which is Judaism. A comprehensive summary of
Judaism will be comprehensively elaborated to find out how Prothero celebrates this religion.
In the book, entitled God is Not One Prothero expresses the eight religion with the different
meaning in life. He also offers a precise coda on what is atheism believes in, and it’s meaning.
According to Prothero, Judaism is the way of Exile and Return. Judaism stands out to be both a
religion and people. What this means is that there is a problem of being in exile and the solution
is just the return of coming back to the Lord God. Prothero says that Judaism views the purpose of
human beings as walking according to and humbly with God. This author realizes that the first

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time one steps in a Jewish school of holy scriptures, the first thing you will notice is a noise, the
students study in large groups in a studying halls often with wild gestures and in quiet tones.
The whole concept of Judaism starts with a story and ends with a story. When conducting
a comparison, Christianity is all about doctrine, Judaism a narrative and Islam is all about a ritual.
According to Prothero, to be a real Jew, you must tell a story about the people of Israel, the will
and the character of God and deduce the relationship between the two. This story in the Jewish
doctrine has everything a human being needs to know accurate from murder, sex, love, sin, and
deceit. This story consists of some of the most significant characters in the world who were
murderers and adulterers, one of them being King David (Prothero, Stephen, 2010).The Jewish
story is a transitional narrative, which begins from the aspect of slavery to eternal freedom, making
and breaking of covenants. The description covers how people banished and then later called home.
The Jewish people use the Hebrew Bible. This Bible starts with creation story on how God
brought the earth into existence. God in this story creates the earth and all the real creatures in six
days and then rests on the seventh day. The conflict arises just after creation when the serpent
deceives Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. This is where God promised to
punish Adam and Eve by violating the law He gave them, according to Christianity, this violation
led to the suffering of the present humanity. However, God developed a redemption program
whereby he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of human beings so that
through his death on the cross, humanity can be saved (Prothero, Stephen, 2011).
Judaism is the greatest and the least of the countless religions in the world. By population
consideration, it is the smallest religion with an approximate figure of 14 million followers
worldwide. In Israel, the Jewish religion has the most substantial number of approximately 5

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Insert surname 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Course title Date Judaism Stephen Prothero is a renowned professor of religion at Boston University. Prothero is a historian of American religions and has been able to come up with various books talking about religion in general. In total, he has six books in which a book entitled God is Not One is among them. In the book God is Not One, Prothero discusses the eight rival religions that are running the world and the way the difference between these beliefs is very significant (Prothero, Stephen, 2011). This author celebrates the differences that exist between the eight religions in the world. He goes farther to provide an intuitive guide on what these faiths involve. This paper will summarize one of the chapters in this book, which is Judaism. A comprehensive summary of Judaism will be comprehensively elaborated to find out how Prothero celebrates this religion. In the book, entitled God is Not One Prothero expresses the eight religion with the different meaning in life. He also offers a precise coda on what is atheism believes in, and it’s meaning. According to Prothero, Judaism is the way of Exile and Return. Judaism stan ...
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