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Running head: TERRORISM 2
Compare and contrast the American response to acts of domestic terrorism with acts of
international terrorism. Predict at least one (1) way these responses may change within the
next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your prediction.
There has been an increase in terrorism in America (both domestic and international). For
both, Americans are fearful as terrorists can attack anytime and anywhere, more so for domestic
terrorists. Cases have been reported of attacks in places of worship such as the church (White,
2016). One expects the church to be the safest place one can be but recent developments make
the church a target for terrorists whose aim is to start religious wars. This response can change in
the next five years if the government does more on countering terrorism to assure citizens of
their safety.
On its part, the government has responded to increasing domestic terrorism by using its
institutions such as the FBI and other law enforcement institution to create a joint terrorism
taskforce that investigates and stops potential acts of terrorism before they take place .The
government has also increased surveillance and electronic monitoring (White, 2016). For
international terrorism, the American government tries to establish global partnerships to better
deal with the issue, for example in Somali where IS terrorist group has set its operations, the
government works with neighboring countries to monitor and eliminate the IS members. The
government also uses foreign policy (economic and political pressure) to convince other
countries to deal with their own domestic terrorism to prevent international terrorism (Nacos,
2016). The Congress has passed the Patriot Act which will increase surveillance on American
citizens and residents so surveillance will likely increase within the next five years.

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Running head: TERRORISM 1 Terrorism Name Institution Running head: TERRORISM 2 Terrorism Compare and contrast the American response to acts of domestic terrorism with acts of international terrorism. Predict at least one (1) way these responses may change within the next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your prediction. There has been an increase in terrorism in America (both domestic and international). For both, Americans are fearful as terrorists can attack anytime and anywhere, more so for domestic terrorists. Cases have been reported of attacks in places of worship such as the church (White, 2016). One expects the church to be the safest place one can be but recent developments make the church a target for terrorists whose aim is to start religious wars. This response can change in the next five years if the government does more on countering terrorism to assure citizens of their safety. On its part, the government has responded to increasing domestic terrorism by using its institutions such as the FBI and other law enforcement institution to create a joint terrorism taskforce that investigates and stops potential acts of terrorism before they take place .The gove ...
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