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1. Which type of religious movement is Baha'i (from Ellwood Text)
Baha'i religion believes in unity in diversity. They believe in oneness, that there is only one God.
Spiritual laws are same for all religions. It consists of people of diverse religions. It is the
youngest and fastest growing religion in the world. It has around five million followers, spread
all over the world. It is considered the most organized religion in the world.
2. From what religious tradition did Baha'i originate?
Baha'i originated from a branch of Muslim faith, the Shi'ite Islam, about 150 years ago. Shi'a
Muslims were thought to be incapable of error. They believed that it was Prophet Muhammad's
wish that all Muslims have spiritual leadership and those leaders be called Imams. Different from
other branch of Muuslims, they believed Muhammed had a successor.
3. Where did it originate?
Baha'i originated from Persia, now known as Iran. Persia was mainly a Muslim country though
there were communities of other religions such as Jews, Zoroastrians and Christians.
4. Name two of the "Central Themes" of Baha'i.

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Student's Name: Instructor's Name: Course: Date: 1. Which type of religious movement is Baha'i (from Ellwood Text) Baha'i religion believes in unity in diversity. They believe in oneness, that there is only one God. Spiritual laws are same for all religions. It consists of people of diverse religions. It is the youngest and fastest growing religion in the world. It has around five million followers, spread all over the world. It is considered the most organized religion in the world. 2. From what religious tradition did Baha'i originate? Baha'i originated from a branch of Muslim faith, the Shi ...
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