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Causes Of Pregnancy Deaths

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University of Maryland Baltimore
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Ringgold 1
Lamesha Ringgold
Composition 101
Professor LeRoy
Date Due
Causes of Pregnancy Deaths
Maternal deaths have been a major issue in society, that people ought to understand the
major complication to prevent deaths. Some of the causes of pregnancy deaths include violence,
drug abuse, and suicides. Understanding the risk factors may go a long way in preventing
fatalities, such as abortion risk. People in society, especially women, should be taught the risks in
some awareness programs and minimize such perils. Using advanced technology in maternal
health care can play a significant role in spotting early signs and performing accurate diagnoses
to save the life of either the mother or the child.
Pregnancy-related deaths have been a major challenge that has been affecting the medical
fraternity. Although medical practitioners have made a significant step in finding solutions to the
challenge, some crucial factors have accelerated maternal deaths. Some of the elements are
human-made, others are due to complications in the person’s body, and some are associated with
pregnancy. Hence, the health care institution, in partnership with both the government and non-
governmental should create awareness to prevent such deaths, especially among teenagers. The
responsible parties ought to understand some of the causes and the risk factors to maximize the
prevention of pregnancy-related deaths. In this regard, the paper analyzes the present state and

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Ringgold 2
statistical figures relating to maternal deaths, painting a clear image of the issue and a list of
causes of maternal deaths.
According to UNICEF description, Maternal mortality refers to deaths attributed to
childbirth or any pregnancy complications. Maternal mortality is a sentinel event that truncates to
deduce maternal health and the overall nature of a country’s trajectory towards achieving its
goals and ideal reproductive care. With increased healthcare quality and widespread availability
of healthy foods, and increased knowledge and awareness on pregnancy health, it is expected
that the mortality rate in pregnancy would be low. However, about eight hundred and seventeen
women lose their lives daily with causes related to pregnancy and childbirth globally (World
Health Organization). Pregnancy-related deaths have been a major challenge that has been
affecting the medical fraternity. In addition, medical practitioners have done all their best to find
solutions to the challenge. Several factors have led to maternal deaths. Some of the cases are
human-made, while others are due to complications in the person’s body. Moreover, some risk
factors are associated with pregnancy. Hence, the health care institution, in partnership with both
the government and non-governmental should create awareness to prevent some of the causes.
The responsible parties ought to understand some of the causes and the risk factors to maximize
the prevention of pregnancy-related deaths.
The rate of pregnancy deaths is unacceptably high for women in Africa and poor Asian
communities, and the reason has been attributed to economic disempowerment. The article
Lifetime Risk of Pregnancy-Related Deaths among Zambian Women gives a detailed study of the
actual state of maternal healthcare in Zambian districts. It focuses the study group on including
women between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine years. The figures prove that every fifteen-

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Ringgold 1 Lamesha Ringgold Composition 101 Professor LeRoy Date Due Causes of Pregnancy Deaths Abstract Maternal deaths have been a major issue in society, that people ought to understand the major complication to prevent deaths. Some of the causes of pregnancy deaths include violence, drug abuse, and suicides. Understanding the risk factors may go a long way in preventing fatalities, such as abortion risk. People in society, especially women, should be taught the risks in some awareness programs and minimize such perils. Using advanced technology in maternal health care can play a significant role in spotting early signs and performing accurate diagnoses to save the life of either the mother or the child. Introduction Pregnancy-related deaths have been a major challenge that has been affecting the medical fraternity. Although medical practitioners have made a significant step in finding solutions to the challenge, some crucial factors have accelerated maternal deaths. Some of the elements are human-made, others are due to complications in the person’s body, and some are associated with pregnancy. Hence, the health care institution, in partnership with both the government and nongovernmental should create awareness to prevent such deaths, especially among teenagers. The responsible parties ought to understand some of the causes and the risk factors to maximize the prevention of pregnancy-related deaths. In this regard, the paper analyzes the present state and Ringgold 2 ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
