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The American Civil War

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The American Civil War
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1.0 The American Civil War.
There are multiple reasons believed to have led to the American civil war. Most of these
reasons revolve around the issues that were beyond being solved peacefully through diplomacy.
In this paper, we are going to investigate those issues that led to the American Civil War and the
prior tension within America. This will aid in establishing the greater context of the American
society and the contribution of the historical Americans towards a free and fair society non-
characteristic of racial, social, or economic bias. To do so, the three main causes of the American
Civil War will be looked into. These include the differences in opinion on whether or not to end
slavery, varying states’ rights, and different economic interests.
2.0 Background.
2.1 The Causes, Participants, and Chronology of the American Civil War.
In the history of America, the civil war was the most divisive and bloodiest conflict ever
witnessed. The war began on 12th April 1861 and lasted roughly for four years until 9th May
1865. This war had come as a result of prior simmering tensions between the Southern and the
Northern states over the westward expansion for economic articulations, slavery, and state’s
rights. When the first president of America, Abraham Lincoln, was elected in 1860, seven
southern states, including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Texas,
Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, seceded and formed the confederate states
of America. Four more states were later to join the confederate states of America and protest
against ending the institution of slavery. The protest, however, was directed towards the
Northern states, and it led to the fatal conflict that claimed the lives of 620000 soldiers.
In the mid-19th century, the United States of America was experiencing tremendous growth.
However, this growth was not even as it deferred in the Northern and the Southern States. The

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THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 1 The American Civil War Student’s name Institution affiliation Course THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 2 1.0 The American Civil War. There are multiple reasons believed to have led to the American civil war. Most of these reasons revolve around the issues that were beyond being solved peacefully through diplomacy. In this paper, we are going to investigate those issues that led to the American Civil War and the prior tension within America. This will aid in establishing the greater context of the American society and the contribution of the historical Americans towards a free and fair society noncharacteristic of racial, social, or economic bias. To do so, the three main causes of the American Civil War will be looked into. These include the differences in opinion on whether or not to end slavery, varying states’ rights, and different economic interests. 2.0 Background. 2.1 The Causes, Participants, and Chronology of the American Civil War. In the history of America, the civil war was the most divisive and bloodiest conflict ever witnessed. The war began on 12th April 1861 and lasted roughly for four years until 9th May 1865. This war had come as a result of prior simmering tensions between the Southern and the Northern states over the westward expansion for economic articulations, slavery, and state’s rights. When the first president of America, Abraham Lincoln, was elected in 1860, seven southern states, including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
