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Step 1: Evaluating an Extended Argument
Essay title: Analysis Of, “Why Foreign Language Study Should Be Required By Nia Tuckson
Page number: 2
Reason for choosing this essay: The topic concerns the recent trends in revolution in the present
world, which is marked by the interactions between people with varied cultural back
backgrounds and hence the need to know a variety of languages.
1. Who is the “author?” What is his/her background, education, and expertise? The author
is an expert in linguistics and its application in development.
2. What is the author’s thesis/claim? Is it explicit or implicit? Author’s explicit claim is that
the study of foreign language will be beneficial to students in America. He explicitly
demonstrates how learning a foreign language will improve the bargaining power of
American students in the Job market.
3. To whom was this essay writtenits target audience? Its ideal audience? The target
audience of this essay include; American government, legislators and education sector.
The ideal audience will be legislators in the education system so as to instill the
importance of the proposed change in the education system.
4. Does the author try to establish common ground with his/her audience? Yes the author
establishes for common ground especially for students when he identifies time as a
constraint in accommodating other courses in their career development. The author
recommends that, instead of adding more hours for the student language courses should
be replaced in place of less important courses.
5. What is the author’s tone? Does it change without the article? If so, be able to explain
the changes in tone. The author uses a friendly and persuasive tone and does not
command the targeted audience in any way. The tone does not change without the article.

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6. What writing strategies were used? Does the essay make use of emotional, ethical,
logical appeals, and/or counter arguments and refutation? Which of these strategies was
emphasized? Why you think this emphasis was chosen? The author uses logical appeals
when he clearly demonstrates the benefits associated with the proposed change of
learning new languages, the author highlights that learning new languages will help
student fit better in multicultural work places. The author also uses a lot of counter
arguments and refutation; this is evidently shown when he highlights that students might
have an objection of learning new languages since it time consuming and they are already
overloaded with course work, job and family requirements. Another counter argument is
shown when the author says that majority of the students do not want their schools to be
responsible for selecting languages for them. The argument and refutation strategy is
widely used so as to better understand the issue in the essay. It also offers solutions to
hindrances in implementation of this change.
7. Does the author make a convincing case? Why or why not? Yes the author makes a
convincing case by highlighting the benefits that will be brought about by the change
(studying a foreign language). Potential difficulties that can arise and finally possible
solutions to these difficulties.
8. How is the article framed? The author has successfully stated and developed the
argument that the implementation of compulsory study of foreign language would benefit
the learners in their future careers. The author elaborately explained the factors that make
it logical to believe that the implementation of the proposed change is necessary.
9. Can you locate and identify any logical fallacies by name or particular weaknesses?
Argumentative fallacy has been used.
10. Why do you think these fallacies were used? This fallacy was used so as to clearly bring
out the reason as to why students might have difficulties studying a foreign language
given the current workload they have in their coursework as well as livelihoods.

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Surname 1 Step 1: Evaluating an Extended Argument Essay title: Analysis Of, “Why Foreign Language Study Should Be Required By Nia Tuckson Page number: 2 Reason for choosing this essay: The topic concerns the recent trends in revolution in the present world, which is marked by the interactions between people with varied cultural back backgrounds and hence the need to know a variety of languages. 1. Who is the “author?” What is his/her background, education, and expertise? The author is an expert in linguistics and its application in development. 2. What is the author’s thesis/claim? Is it explicit or implicit? Author’s explicit claim is that the study of foreign language will be beneficial to students in America. He explicitly demonstrates how learning a foreign language will improve the bargaining power of American students in the Job market. 3. To whom was this essay written? ...
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