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week 6 checkpoint sci275_Appendix_E water resource challenges

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Axia College Material
Appendix E
Water Resource Challenges
Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following:
Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the
following table. Then, respond to the question that follows:
Freshwater Resource Challenge Description
Irrigation Irrigation is a constant battle on the
Colorado river causing the river to
dry up before entering back into the
Water rights A battle over the water rights on the
upper and lower Missouri River is
ongoing; each area is trying to
protect their interests.
Future water supplies By 2025 it is estimated that 1/3 of
the population will live in areas
where there is not enough water for
drinking or irrigation.
Ocean Water Resource Challenge Description
Over fishing Because of the demand of the
human population, over fishing the
ocean has become a major problem.
Many commercial fish species are
severely depleted.
Offshore extraction of mineral and
energy resources.
Since the ocean floor and beneath
the floor hold valuable minerals,
countries want to extract them.
However, we cannot harvest the
minerals without affecting sea life.
Marine animals in trouble. The sea otter is one animal that has
been affected by other sea life
decline. The orcas have turned on
feeding on the sea otter since their
regular diet of seals and sea lions
have dropped in population.
SCI 275

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Axia College Material Appendix E Water Resource Challenges Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following: Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the following table. Then, respond to the question that follows: Freshwater Resource Challenge Description Irrigation Irrigation is a constant battle on the Colorado river causing the river to dry up before entering back into the ocean. Water rights A battle over the water rights on the upper and lower Missouri River is ongoing; each area is trying to protect their interests. Futu ...
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