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My Favorite Sport

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My Favorite Sport
Question 1
Basketball is my favorite sport that I love to play and watch. Notably, I developed an interest in
basketball because it was the most common sport that I mainly watched growing up. I grew up in
an environment full of basketball fans. Chiefly, my first experience with basketball was when I
was ten years old. At this age, my sister took me to a basketball hoop in my neighborhood.
Although I did not know much about basketball at this age, my sister pushed me to take a shoot.
Lucky enough, my first shoot was perfect. Significantly, this marked my first step to the love of
watching and playing basketball.
Question 2
I first remember growing up watching the basketball actions of Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant,
which got me interested in the game. Kobe and Kevin were vibrant basketball players that I
loved watching. Their commitment to the game made me dream of becoming like them. Some
meaningful experiences that I have had with basketball are the training sessions. The training
sessions gave me the basics of playing basketball. I have also participated in various basketball
tournaments in school and my neighborhood. Significantly, these experiences were positive
because they contributed to my passion for the game. I strongly feel that the experiences still
have a positive impact up to date.

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Question 3
As I have gotten older, I still watch and play basketball. Basketball means so much to me. For
over 15 years, I have been following international and local basketball events. In most of my free
time, I am either playing or watching a basketball match. After classes, I attended basketball
training sessions in school. On weekends, I go to local basketball tournaments in my town. In
this case, my engagement with the basketball game is paramount.
Question 4
Notably, watching and playing basketball has significantly impacted my social life positively.
Although I consider myself an introvert, playing and watching basketball gives me a perfect
opportunity to interact and share ideas with my friends. For example, playing basketball is my
source of fun. Rather than sitting at home watching movies and playing video games, engaging
in basketball is an easy way of interacting with friends one on one. In addition, as a member of a
basketball team, we take part in various community-building services. For instance, we mobilize
people to participate in feeding programs for the elderly and the less fortunate. Besides, playing
basket has improved my ability to interact with diverse people. I play basketball with people with
different styles, economic, social, and cultural backgrounds. In these lenses, basketball has
taught me to appreciate diversity.
Question 5
The life lessons that I have learned while growing up playing basketball are as follows. Firstly, I
have learned the concept of being disciplined. Although playing basketball is fun, it is not an
easy game. The game demands commitment and discipline while playing and training. Also,
playing basketball has instilled in me an essential concept of anger management. During a match,
a lot of things happen that provoke anger in the players. On the other hand, watching basketball

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date My Favorite Sport Question 1 Basketball is my favorite sport that I love to play and watch. Notably, I developed an interest in basketball because it was the most common sport that I mainly watched growing up. I grew up in an environment full of basketball fans. Chiefly, my first experience with basketball was when I was ten years old. At this age, my sister took me to a basketball hoop in my neighborhood. Although I did not know much about basketball at this age, my sister pushed me to take a shoot. Lucky enough, my first shoot was perfect. Significantly, this marked my first step to the love of watching and playing basketball. Question 2 I first remember growing up watching the basketball actions of Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant, which got me interested in the game. Kobe and Kevin were vibrant basketball players that I loved watc ...
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