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Module 4 Critical Thinking Updated

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Reforming Care Delivery and Payment to Improve Health and Lower Costs
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Reforming Care Delivery and Payment to Improve Health and Lower Costs
The specific payment and delivery reform models that showed the greatest
improvement in my state are the collaborative accountable care, the safety net approach and
the multiplayer blue print method. These models may be distinct but their basic underpinnings
are similar and their results arguably have a significant resemblance. They are all
complementary and in conformity with the provisions of the affordable care act. The
collaborative model is used in Colorado and seeks to provide areas where the affordable care
organization can effectively work with local players such as the Regional Care Collaborative
Organization (RCCO) in order to enhance service delivery to the patients and ease the strain of
payment for the services that are provided (Silow-Carroll, Edwards, & Diana Rodin Health
Management Associates, 2013). This ensures that the Medicaid programs have firm local reach
since the collaborative organizations are distributed across the states. This, in turn, allows for
effective and distributed services delivery to the consumer which further reduces the costs
incurred. After implementing this model, the state of Colorado saw an improvement after its
first year which comprised of reduced visits to emergency rooms, hospital readmissions, and a
drop in the costs for accountable care organizations. Additionally, this model is flexible as it
allows for scaling and can, therefore, fit several purposes and uses. The safety net approach
that Minnesota uses can still be inferred from the Colorado approach (, 2015). It
essentially involves service delivery that is aimed at reducing the risks that the consumers run
by being on their own. Therefore, similar to the collaborative approach, the methodology
employed by Minnesota emphasize on the tight integration between service providers and
service delivery. The same applies to the state of Vermont in which the proposed blue print is
a collaboration effort between various players and the government in a bid to effectively deliver
patient centred care and reduce costs. Therefore, the appropriate model would be a

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Running head: REFORMING HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND PAYMENT Reforming Care Delivery and Payment to Improve Health and Lower Costs Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Institution Affiliation Due Date 1 REFORMING HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND PAYMENT 2 Reforming Care Delivery and Payment to Improve Health and Lower Costs The specific payment and delivery reform models that showed the greatest improvement in my state are the collaborative accountable care, the safety net approach and the multiplayer blue print method. These models may be distinct but their basic underpinnings are similar and their results arguably have a significant resemblance. They are all complementary and in conformity with the provisions of the affordable care act. The collaborative model is used in Colorado and seeks to provide areas where the affordable care organization can effectively work with local players such as the Regional Care Collaborative Organization (RCCO) in order to enhance service delivery to the patients and ease the strain of payment for the services that are provided (Silow-Carroll, Edwards, & Diana Rodin Health Management Associates, 2013). This ensures that the Medicaid programs have firm local reach since the collaborative organizations are distributed across the states. This, in turn, allows for effective and distributed services delivery to the consumer which further reduces the costs incurred. After implementing this model, the state of Colorado saw an improvement after its fir ...
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