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Surname 1
Response 1
Starting a support group for service members, veterans and their families is a good
gesture to the community. To begin with, support groups are meant to bring people who face
similar issues or have similar goals to share. Military service members are especially burdened
with a lot of problems, mostly experiences they gain while on service. Sometimes, close
relationship circles do not offer the correct atmosphere to share their thoughts or problems. The
service people will feel alone as they cannot share some of the information, feelings or
experiences they have.
Starting a support group, however, will give them the chance to open up and solve their
problems. Moreover, it will provide them with the right atmosphere to relive their days in the
service with people that have shared the same experiences with in their duties. Being a history
museum for the military, it will also give them a lot of things to discuss. It will also allow them
to reduce distress, anxiety, stress, gain a sense of empowerment and talk openly about their
feelings. From the issues former service face such as PSTD, the support group will be of great
help. They will have a lot of advantages for all the individuals.

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Surname 2
In my opinion, I believe that the support group is an excellent idea. Having it at the
museum makes it feel better as it will set the atmosphere to discuss issues affecting them.
Support groups in such areas will work out very well for all the people involved. I would also
recommend that a counselor, especially with a military background, be consulted from time to
time. The therapist will help in solving issues that the group could not due to their experience.
They could also help individuals who want to go beyond the group and share more with others.
Also, I would also recommend that the group set goals for a period. After the time expires, all
members can assess what they learned and if anything needs to be repeated or new goals set.
Response 2
Forming of groups is a difficult task, but achievements that can be derived from all the
hard work makes it worthwhile. As long as the group has a clear goal, then its ability to achieve
is increased. Before forming a group, there should be a clear goal as to why it is being formed.
All the other steps follow closely and are dependent on the reasons. The progress in forming to
storming are all reliant on the purpose. Secondly, the goals should be set and communicated to
all members. It is important for everyone to understand what is needed of them and what they
can do so that they can achieve.
As important as the formation of groups is, making the group stay together is also a huge
task that should be taken seriously. Some of these things include; communication, proper conflict
resolution methods, and outstanding leadership. As mentioned in the text, strong leadership is
essential to the group. However, the leadership should correspond to the type of group formed.

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Responses Response 1 Starting a support group for service members, veterans and their families is a good gesture to the community. To begin with, support groups are meant to bring people who face similar issues or have similar goals to share. Military service members are especially burdened with a lot of problems, mostly experiences they gain while on service. Sometimes, close relationship circles do not offer the correct atmosphere to share their thoughts or problems. The service people will feel alone as they cannot share some of the information, feelings or experiences they have. Starting a support group, however, will give them the chance to open up and solve their problems. Moreover, it will provide them with the right atmosphere to relive their days in the service with people that have shared the same experiences with in their duties. Being a h ...
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