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week 9 Final project Mitigation Strategies and Solutions

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Mitigation Strategies and 1
Mitigation Strategies and Solutions
Student Name
College Name

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Mitigation Strategies and Solutions
One of the main problems facing the human race is overpopulation. While there are some
areas on our planet that are not populated due to extreme environmental hazards such as the
weather, the other areas that are capable of sustaining human life have become extremely
crowded. The cause of this population growth is due to people wanting to have large families, the
lack of birth control and in some cases the lack of ability to purchase birth control supplements
in certain areas of our planet. Also one of the major problems which are a direct cause of our
overpopulation is that most people do not know what is going on, or lack of education on this
subject. If we look at all of the possible causes for our overpopulation problem and try to
determine a root cause I feel it would be due to the lack of education on how to help control our
The fact that we as humans can overcome and adapt to most environmental hazards
proves that we have the ability to control our problems. It also provides us with the ability to
conquer other areas of the planet in which to populate and contaminate. However, if we cannot
educate the populace on the extremity of the problem then they will not realize it even exists.
This is where we need help from everyone, from the schools to the governments of the world.
The current world population is around 6,706,993,152 people and growing at a rate of 1.16%
yearly, that is a daily increase of 212,970 people a day (CIA-The World Factbook, 2009, p. 1). At
this rate we can expect our planet to reach a population level around 74,484,333,652 people by
the year 2050. As it is our planet can barley support the population it has, imagine what is going
to happen if our planet reaches a population as high as that. With the resources we use for
everyday living we will eventually exhaust the supplies the world has because of the

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Running head: MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Student Name College Name Mitigation Strategies and Solutions One of the main problems facing the human race is overpopulation. While there are some areas on our planet that are not populated due to extreme environmental hazards such as the weather, the other areas that are capable of sustaining human life have become extremely crowded. The cause of this population growth is due to people wanting to have large families, the lack of birth control and in some cases the lack of ability to purchase birth control supplements in certain areas of our planet. Also one of the major problems which are a direct cause of our overpopulation is that most people do not know what is going on, or lack of education on this subject. If we look at all of the possible causes for our overpopulation problem and try to determine a root cause I feel it would be due to the lack of education on how to help control our population. The fact that we as humans can overcome and adapt to most environmental hazards proves that we have the ability to control our problems. It also provides us with the ability to conquer other areas of the planet in which to populate and contaminate. However, if we cannot educate the populace on the extremity of the problem then they will not realize it even exists. This is where we need help from everyone, from the schools to the governments of the world. The current world pop ...
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