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Breach Of Contract.edited 2

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Business Law
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Surname 1
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Sellers Remedies and Buyers Remedies
The Uniform commercial code greatly stipulates the instances when a seller remedy exists. The
uniform commercial code states that a seller expects remedies when the buyer breaches the sales
contract. The uniform commercial code, therefore, is an act that regulates the commercial
transactions and covers the specific seller. The code ensures the enforcement of such contracts
between the seller and the buyer. The code is primarily designed to enhance the commercial
transactions between the buyer and the seller. A breach of contract is a significant challenge
experienced by both the buyer and the seller. Either the seller or the buyer can breach a contract.
Contract breach by a buyer occurs mainly when a buyer wrongfully denies accepting various
goods from the seller. It can also occur when a buyer returns some commodities wrongfully. A
breach can also occur when the buyer fails to pay the amount required for various goods as
outlined in the contract. The breach of contract can also occur when a buyer categorically states
he or she cannot ensure the fulfillment of the contract.
A buyers breach of contract thus results in the development of the seller's remedies. A
seller’s remedy ensures the seller is compensated for the various harm caused by the buyer. The
Uniform Commercial Code mainly ensures the development of the seller remedies to ensure the
seller is whole after such breach of contract by the seller. The Uniform Commercial Code

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Surname 2
focuses on ensuring the seller is back to the original position he or she had enjoyed in case the
buyer fulfilled the contract. The contract, however, does not give any extra financial support to
the seller.
The Florida legislation and statutes outline the significance of the business agreements
and contracts. The legislation under article 672.106 of the Florida legislation states the terms
under which a contract is canceled or terminated. The legislation also stipulates the requirements
of a good contract. The section 2-703 outlines the various remedies captured in a contract. The
study thus analyses the various scenarios under which the buyer and seller's contract can be
breached and the available remedies to such situations.
According to the scenario A in the study, the able seller sold 1, 000 widgets to the Baker
Buyer and the buyer is to pick them up in lots of 100 each. The baker buyer has no credit, and
thus the term requires that he pay for each part as soon as the delivery is made. Delivery is
conducted at a warehouse owned by the seller. Each lot of the widgets cost $10, 000 and thus the
entire contract price is $100, 000.
In scenario A, the buyer has picked up the 2 lots of the 100 widgets but failed to pay.
The buyer, therefore, owes $10, 000. The able seller has however come to the law office and has
asked for a lawsuit of the entire price of $100, 000. The seller also intends to let the buyer pick
up the remaining section of the widgets. This is not one of the most practical seller remedies. The
seller had another options to ensure the solution of the contract breached by the buyer. Since the
buyer has paid a potion of the payment, the seller cannot cancel the contract easily. However, the
seller had the option of withholding the widgets due to the breach of contract by the buyer. The
seller can thus keep the goods for the meantime and not deliver to the buyer.

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course Details: Date: Sellers Remedies and Buyers Remedies The Uniform commercial code greatly stipulates the instances when a seller remedy exists. The uniform commercial code states that a seller expects remedies when the buyer breaches the sales contract. The uniform commercial code, therefore, is an act that regulates the commercial transactions and covers the specific seller. The code ensures the enforcement of such contracts between the seller and the buyer. The code is primarily designed to enhance the commercial transactions between the buyer and the seller. A breach of contract is a significant challenge experienced by both the buyer and the seller. Either the seller or the buyer can breach a contract. Contract breach by a buyer occurs mainly when a buyer wrongfully denies accepting various goods from the seller. It can also occur when a buyer returns some commodities wrongfully. A breach can also occur when the buyer fails to pay the amount required for various goods as outlined in the contract. The breach of contract can also occur when a buyer categorically states he or she cannot ensure the fulfillment of the contract. A buyer’s breach o ...
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