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English the psychological basis of contrastive analysis study material

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THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS I. Transfer in Learning Psychology ➢ CA is a hybrid drawing on the sciences of linguistics & psychology. ➢ One of the concerns of learning psychologists is the effects of one learning task on a subsequent one. The observation that prior learning effects subsequent learning leads to the hypothesis of transfer. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS FOUNDATIN OF CA IS TRANSFER THEORY. • Transfer = “the hypothesis that the learning of task A will affect the subsequent learning of task B.” (Ellis) The two “entities” associated in a learning task are: Stimulus ( S ) Response ( R ) * The psychological basis of CA resides in the two psychological enterprises: 1. Associationism • Red light need to decelerate or stop the vehicle. 2. S-R Theory • Skinner’s Behaviourist explanation of how lg. learning is consummated. II. Some problems of Definition 1) In “conditioning” the Rs are assumed to be available to the learner. In L2 learning the Rs themselves have to be learnt as well as with which S they are to be associated. 2) CA is concerned with teaching rather than learning. - Teaching involves the predetermination of what Ss & Rs are to be associated. - Learning are the set of decisions that can be quite arbitrary. 3) What constitute a S or a R in L2 learning? Jakobovits sees S as a constituted of “ …… the environment conditions that are antecedent to linguistic utterances” . Richterich (1974) called S as a “communic ...
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