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Morality And Law

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Reflection Paper On Law and Morality
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Law can be viewed and described from various perspectives. In any case, the two most
relevant definitions can be portrayed as legal positivism and natural law (Pollock, 2014). The
latter is the view that laws are considered as legitimate when they are by a particular higher
power over man. This higher authority can be God or even a mutual ethical quality within the
society. Legal positivism is the perspective that a law is valid only if it is made by the correct
practice of the state making the law (Hart & Green, 2012).
On the other hand, morality is dictated by the will of people instead of the law itself. It is
a set of norms we have set for ourselves to choose between what is ethically wrong or right
(Pollock, 2014). There is a typical contention that law should be founded on morality, but I
oppose this idea. While there is a significant measure of overlap, morality and law operate on
planes that are slightly different. I think that law ought not to be founded on views of what is
wrong or right, but on the significant needs of the entire society, national and local. Morality is
more about close associations between people and how each of us as humans identify with other
living creatures and the entire world in general (Hart & Green, 2012). Be that as it may, not all
that we may consider as being corrupt should be unlawful.
For instance, a vast majority of us may concur that unfaithfulness in marriage is wrong in
a moral sense. In any case, a significant number of us may likewise agree that the government
can play no part in enforcing faithfulness. Be that as it may, too much unfaithfulness may harm a
union, and this is the reason why people in marriage need to solve their marital issues without
anyone else's input (Pollock, 2014). Cops in charge of marital faithfulness would be an
awkwardly intrusive addition in our own lives, or so I would think. Another example of an
overlap between morality and law is prostitution.

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Running Head: REFLECTION PAPER ON LAW AND MORALITY Reflection Paper On Law and Morality Student’s Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 REFLECTION PAPER ON LAW AND MORALITY 2 Law can be viewed and described from various perspectives. In any case, the two most relevant definitions can be portrayed as legal positivism and natural law (Pollock, 2014). The latter is the view that laws are considered as legitimate when they are by a particular higher power over man. This higher authority can be God or even a mutual ethical quality within the society. Legal positivism is the perspective that a law is valid only if it is made by the correct practice of the state making the law (Hart & Green, 2012). On the other hand, morality is dictated by the will of people instead of the law itself. It is a set of norms we have set for ourselves to choose between what is ethically wrong or right (Pollock, 2014). There is a typical contention that law should be founded on morality, but I oppose this idea. While there is a significant measure of overlap, morality and law operate on planes that are slightly different. I think that law ought not to be founded on views of what is wrong o ...
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