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Emergency Response Plan

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Emergency Response Plan for a Plane Crash Disaster Presented by: Introduction  Plane crash disasters are very sophisticated eventualities that need professional and rapid responses.  A plane crash scene is characterized by a disturbing scene of wreckage, bodies and survivors.  Several stakeholders and authorities are involved in the management of such disasters including the Police, fire department and most importantly the health department. Introduction The health department may assist a plane crash scene by:  Providing emergency medical attention and care for the casualties.  Provide psychological support to the victims of the disaster and to the family members that will arrive later at the scene. For the health department to succeed in its roles when dealing with plane crash disasters, a comprehensive emergency response plan needs to be rolled out. 1. Primary Interventions Primary interventions are the measures that are put in place to ensure readiness in the eventuality of a plane crash. The health sector need to prepare adequately so as to provide emergency health services during such disasters Basic Interventions Basic interventions include:  Provision of education to the general public regarding coping skills during disasters, stress management and regarding critical incidents.  Training of stakeholders like the police and fire fighters on how to handle victims  Conducting of emergency drills to familiarize with the situation that could ...
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