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Us Military History

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US Military History

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American Involvement in Vietnam
The United States showed little interest in Vietnam until World War II. American agents
worked against the Japanese Occupiers in Viet Minh. Vietnam was more than just the fate of the
South East Asians. One of the reasons that led to the involvement was the aspect of communism.
Democrats did not want to be perceived as communists. The policymakers in the country were
concern about international credibility. Moreover, Americans did not appease aggressors thus
rendering the containment policy questionable (Millett, 2012, pg 510). The domino theory asserted
that if communists knocked over one nation, then its neighbor would join the camp. The US has a
massive interest in the country s environment. Vietnam had a dry season which would make it
easy for Americans to perform air strikes, allow better helicopter mobility and reliable road
The Vietnam War exposed the limits of the American Military. Death of John F Kennedy
triggered more attacks which led to significant loss of lives. The American Military took more
consideration in the involvement of foreign affairs (Mark, 2010). The following wars were viewed
to be immediate and huge. American soldiers faced inconsiderable challenges in the Vietnam War.
The problems were mainly attributed to the underestimation of Vietnam. The fought on the
perception of destroying the enemy to win hearts and minds.
American Way of War
The Cold war and involvement in Vietnam highly affected the American way of war. The
crises the occurred during the first five years of the Cold War forced President Truman to
effectively reevaluate the American military capability (Millett, 2012, pg 444). The United States
groped for the use of atomic bombs by undertaking different tests at Eniwetok and the Pacific

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Running head: US MILITARY HISTORY US Military History 1 US MILITARY HISTORY 2 American Involvement in Vietnam The United States showed little interest in Vietnam until World War II. American agents worked against the Japanese Occupiers in Viet Minh. Vietnam was more than just the fate of the South East Asians. One of the reasons that led to the involvement was the aspect of communism. Democrats did not want to be perceived as communists. The policymakers in the country were concern about international credibility. Moreover, Americans did not appease aggressors thus rendering the containment policy questionable (Millett, 2012, pg 510). The domino theory asserted that if communists knocked over one nation, then its neighbor would join the camp. The US has a massive interest in the country ‘s environment. Vietnam had a dry season which would make it easy for Americans to perform air strikes, allow better helicopter mobility and reliable road movements. The Vietnam War exposed the limits of the American Military. Death of John F Kennedy triggered more attacks which led to significant loss of lives. The American Military took more consideration in the involvement of foreign affa ...
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