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The Home Depot Company

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Running Head: MANAGEMENT
Strategy Management at Home Depot
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Long Term Goals and Objectives
By offering excellent customer services, the company has decided to increase its relationship with
its clients through the creation of emotional relationship amongst them. It is a way of influencing
customers to feel that they are valued and incline towards increasing their interest in purchasing
the company's products. The company is willing to manage this through the creation of consumers'
connection line where customers can comfortably channel their compliments and
recommendations to more people (Epstein, Buhovac, & Yuthas, 2015). Being that there are many
corporations with the substitute commodities, the company has to come up with a centralized
formula of returning goods to vendors to satisfy its customers.
Delivering assorted, innovative and high valued products is the great goal to achieve here. The
company is aiming at attaining this by formulating new brands of its products and increase their
value to provide quality products to its customers. It is possible through the acquisition of
innovative aspect when the company employs professionals in various fields to come up with new
and creative products that are different from other businesses (Bodie, 2013). Innovation is
encouraged in the company, where every person is allowed to come up with new ideas that would
see it grow against its peers. By doing all these, the company will overcome the competition within
the market and win many customers from its competitors across the borders.
The attainment of productivity and efficiency in the organization is through optimization of
resources. The application of an efficient and cost-effective technology in the business facilitates
the construction of a supply chain network such as best-in-class. When the customers perceive that
there are some advanced goods in a particular company which other companies do not offer, they

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Running Head: MANAGEMENT Strategy Management at Home Depot Student Name: Institutional Affiliation: Instructor: Date: MANAGEMENT 2 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE HOME DEPOT COMPANY Long Term Goals and Objectives By offering excellent customer services, the company has decided to increase its relationship with its clients through the creation of emotional relationship amongst them. It is a way of influencing customers to feel that they are valued and incline towards increasing their interest in purchasing the company's products. The company is willing to manage this through the creation of consumers' connection line where customers can comfortably channel their compliments and recommendations to more people (Epstein, Buhovac, & Yuthas, 2015). Being that there are many corporations with the substitute commodities, the company has to come up with a centralized formula of returning goods to vendors to satisfy its customers. Delivering assorted, innovative and high valued products is the great goal to achieve here. The company is aiming at attaining this by formulating new brands of its products and increase their value to provide quality products to its customers. It is possible through the acquisition of innovative aspect when the company employs professionals in various fields to come up with new and creative products that are different from other businesses (Bodie, 2013). Innovation is encouraged in the company, where every person is allowed to come up with new ideas th ...
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