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University of Memphis
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Coopetition in Healthcare
Student’s name
Institutional Affiliation
Date Submitted
Instructor’s name

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To provide better service focused on the well-being of the patient, coopetition in
healthcare is fundamental. The main objective of the health care industry is to facilitate the
care of the patient. Due to this shared objective, there is the realization that health systems
need to serve as needful medical advances by sharing necessary information that will be
actively exchanged in the healthcare community. The coopetition field is slowly evolving,
having been established in 1980 by Ray Noorda. During this time, strategic management
encompassed the pursuit of competitive advantage (Albert-Cromarias & Dos Santos, 2020).
Over time, literature in the field of coopetition has gradually expanded. Thus, coopetition can
be considered a growing factor in the innovation landscape. It is a new method for shared
challenges, purpose, development, and a streamlined way of working.
The tenents of coopetition entail cooperation within a competitive setting.
Organizations can make use of the coopetition strategy to accelerate their innovation capacity
and capabilities. When devising coopetition in the healthcare system, the stakeholders must
understand different challenges that may be present. The challenges include but are not
limited to the innovative methods to use and devising a way to develop a robust innovation
framework. Additionally, it is essential to consider the stakeholders that the coopetition
strategy will impact. Coopetition resonates strongly with traditional competitive models in an
industry centered on a patient-centered approach while offering value-based treatment.
Competition can play out in multiple scenarios in the healthcare setting. It is considered to
result in innovation. In a situation where innovation works, organizations can come together
by demonstrating the willingness to share their resources. This report will establish a
coopetition arrangement for a healthcare setting and identify the partners. The value of the
strategy will also be analyzed, the target market, and the critical description of the service.

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1 Coopetition in Healthcare Student’s name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Submitted Instructor’s name 2 Introduction To provide better service focused on the well-being of the patient, coopetition in healthcare is fundamental. The main objective of the health care industry is to facilitate the care of the patient. Due to this shared objective, there is the realization that health systems need to serve as needful medical advances by sharing necessary information that will be actively exchanged in the healthcare community. The coopetition field is slowly evolving, having been established in 1980 by Ray Noorda. During this time, strategic management encompassed the pursuit of competitive advantage (Albert-Cromarias & Dos Santos, 2020). Over time, literature in the field of coopetition has gradually expanded. Thus, coopetition can be considered a growing factor in the innovation landscape. It is a new method for shared challenges, purpose, development, and a streamlined way of working. The tenents of coopetition entail cooperation within a competitive setting. Organizations can make use of the coopetition strategy to accelerate their innovation capacity and capabilities. When devising coopetition in the healthcare system, the stakeholders must understand different challenges that may be present. The challenges include but are not limited to the innovative methods to use and devising a way to develop a robust innovation framework. Additionally, it is essential to co ...
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