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Running head: LITERATURE 1
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
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TOPIC: An engagement on how the concepts of good and evil on how the co-exists in Gabriel
Garcia Marquez’s short story,” A Very Old Man with Enormous Wingsand which concept
between them wins out in Gabriel’s story.
Pelayo finds a very old man with enormous wings in his courtyard. Neither Pelayo nor his wife
Elisenda can communicate with the old man. Father Ganzoga, the local priest intervenes to
unfold the mysteries. The story describes fairly a large group of people in considerable
psychological details, where realism and magical illusions intermarry as evidenced by the human
likes of Pelayo, Elisenda and the “angel”.
The good and evil co-exists in, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wingswith the evil being
foregrounded in the community. The humans and angels play a major role in exposing the evil in
the society, by ideas of realism, magical illusions, gullibility that characters succinctly
demarcates. Also worth mentioning is the extortion that certain characters readily practice for
their selfish gains not minding how the others face the situation at hand, the idpart in humans.
One day, Pelayo finds a very old man with enormous wings in his courtyard. It has been raining
for three days, and it appears that the man was in a shipwreck. Neither Pelayo nor his wife
Elisenda can communicate with the old man, however, because he speaks a language they don't

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Running head: LITERATURE 1 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: LITERATURE 2 TOPIC: An engagement on how the concepts of good and evil on how the co-exists in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s short story,” A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” and which concept between them wins out in Gabriel’s story. ABSTRACT Pelayo finds a very old man with enormous wings in his courtyard. Neither Pelayo nor his wife Elisenda can communicate with the old man. Father Ganzoga, the local priest intervenes to unfold the mysteries. The story describes fairly a large group of people in considerable psychological details, where realism and magical illusions intermarry as evidenced by the human likes of Pelayo, Elisenda and the “angel”. THESIS The good and evil co-exists in, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” with the evil being foregrounded in the community. The humans and angels play a major role in exposing the evil in the society, by ideas of realism, magical illusions, gullibility that characters succinctly demarcates. Also worth mentioning is the extortion that certain characters readily practice for their selfish gains not minding how the others face the situation at hand, the id’ part in humans. INTRODUCTION One day, Pelayo finds a very old man with enormous wings in his courtyard. It has been raining for three days, and it appears that the man was in a shipwreck. Neither Pelayo nor his wife Elisenda can communicate with the old ma ...
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