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1. Describe the basic body plan of mollusks.
The basic body plan of a mollusk consists of a hard outer shell which is the main distinguishing
feature and covers the top body and encloses the internal organs. The head may have tentacles
which are used for grasping food and sense of the environment. Their species also have a muscular
foot that is used for walking, however, in some species, the foot has evolved and is used for other
purposes. The mollusk species have two unique features namely the mantle which is the layer of
tissue lying between the body and the shell and the radula which is a feeding organ with teeth made
of chitin.
2. What are gills? What is their function?
Gills are thin filaments that are used in the absorption and exchange of gasses between the blood
and surrounding water. Gills, therefore, act as the respiratory organs for species.

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Surname 1.
3. Create a Venn diagram to show important similarities and differences among the three major
classes of mollusks.
4. What is a radula? What is it used for?
The radula is a feeding organ with teeth made of chitin. It is used for feeding through scraping and
cutting food before the food enters the esophagus.
5. Define regeneration.
This is the process through which annelids have the ability to regrow segments that break off.
6. Explain the advantages of a segmented body.
non organic

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Surname 1. Name: Professor: Title: Date 1. Describe the basic body plan of mollusks. The basic body plan of a mollusk consists of a hard outer shell which is the main distinguishing feature and covers the top body and encloses the internal organs. The head may have tentacles which are used for grasping food and sense of the environment. Their species also have a muscular foot that is used for walking, however, in some species, the foot has evolved and is used for other purposes. The mollusk species have two unique features namely the mantle which is the layer of tissue lying between the body and the shell and the radula which is a feeding organ with teeth made of chitin. 2. What are gills? What is their function? Gills are thin filaments that are used in the absorption and exchange of gasses between the blood and surrounding water. Gills, therefore, act as the respiratory organs for species. Surname 1. 3. Create a Venn diagram to show important similarities and differences among the three major classes of mollusks. bivalves non organic matter cephalopodes scavangers 4. What is a radula? What is it used for? The radula is a feeding organ with teeth made of chitin. It is used ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
