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Omaha time exchange

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alfred state college
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This file created specifically for Gosbani Hernandez
Annual Report

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Omaha Time Exchange is a network of people and organizations in Omaha, Nebraska, who offer
their services, skills, and time to meet the needs of friends, neighbors, and the larger commu-
nity. Any resident of the city can join the Omaha Time Exchange and start earning time credits
by contributing to other members. After earning time credits, members can spend them or do-
nate them to other members.
How the Omaha Time Exchange Works
A member requests or offers a service by posting the request on the community board, part of
the Omaha Time Exchange website. If you want to provide a posted service, you earn time cred-
its by performing the service. If you want to receive a service, you spend time credits to pur-
chase the service. The amount of time a service requires equals the number of time credits
earned or spent. For example, if you teach a member how to play the piano for one hour, you
earn a one-hour time credit. If a member weeds your garden for an hour, you spend a one-hour
time credit.
Examples of Services
Child care
Home repair
Legal assistance
Medical transportation
Language lessons
Respite care
For a complete description of our services, see our website at

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OMAHA TIME EXCHANGE Annual Report This file created specifically for Gosbani Hernandez OMAHA TIME EXCHANGE Overview Omaha Time Exchange is a network of people and organizations in Omaha, Nebraska, who offer their services, skills, and time to meet the needs of friends, neighbors, and the larger community. Any resident of the city can join the Omaha Time Exchange and start earning time credits by contributing to other members. After earning time credits, members can spend them or donate them to other members.1 How the Omaha Time Exchange Works A member requests or offers a service by posting the request on the community board, part of the Omaha Time Exchange website. If you want to provide a posted service, you earn time credits by performing the service. If you want to receive a service, you spend time credits to purchase the service. The amount of time a service requires equals the number of time credits earned or spent. For example, if you teach a member how to play the piano for one hour, you earn a one-hour time credit. If a member weeds your garden for an hour, you spend a one-hour time credit. Examples of Services 1 • Child care • Home repair • Legal assistance • Medical transportation • Language lessons • Respite care • Tutoring • Delivery For a complete description of our services, see our website at OMAHA TIME EXCHANGE Special Projects Omaha Time Exchange participates in special projects for the following ...
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