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Behaviors That Constitute Psychopathy

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Psychopathic Behaviors
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Psychopathic Behaviors
A psychopath refers to a person who is not capable of feeling remorse, guilt, or empathy
for the actions they procure. These individuals are in overall manipulative, cunning, and are well
aware of the difference between rights and wrong although they often tend to overlook it when
applying to their cases. Psychopaths are people who portray antisocial traits such as disinhibition
entailing reduced impulse control that includes problems to do with planning, the urge to control,
as well as demand for instant fulfillment (Brown, 2016). At the same time, these individuals lack
close attachment to other people and are characterized by defiance of authority. On first
encounter, psychopaths generally look engaging, caring, charming, as well as friendly. On the
outer side, they will appear logic, reasonable and with well-established goals in life. They often
dismay the notion that they are capable of accurately reasoning and understand the impacts of
antisocial or unlawful behaviors. Psychopaths also seem to be able to self-examine themselves
and will often criticize themselves for mistakes conducted in the past (Verona, 2017). As a result,
these camouflaging features often make it very difficult to spot a psychopath from first
interactions. However, under close or clinical examination, psychopaths lack the ordinary
symptoms revealed by normal and connected to neurotic behavior. These behaviors include: high
anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, headaches, hysteria, as well as extreme fatigue. On the
contrary, psychopaths when placed in situations that other normal people find upsetting, they
remain unnerved and lack the emotional feelings of fear or anxiety (Verona, 2017). In this paper,
I will examine the case of Adrea Pia Kennedy Yates who recently confessed to drowning five of
her children in the bathtub on 21
June 2001. I will seek to evaluate whether these behaviors
often radiated by psychopaths were revealed in Yates.

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Running Head: PSYCHOPATHIC BEHAVIORS Psychopathic Behaviors Student Name: Professor Name: Course Name &Number: University: Paper Due Date: 1 PSYCHOPATHIC BEHAVIORS 2 Psychopathic Behaviors Introduction A psychopath refers to a person who is not capable of feeling remorse, guilt, or empathy for the actions they procure. These individuals are in overall manipulative, cunning, and are well aware of the difference between rights and wrong although they often tend to overlook it when applying to their cases. Psychopaths are people who portray antisocial traits such as disinhibition entailing reduced impulse control that includes problems to do with planning, the urge to control, as well as demand for instant fulfillment (Brown, 2016). At the same time, these individuals lack close attachment to other people and are characterized by defiance of authority. On first encounter, psychopaths generally look engaging, caring, charming, as well as friendly. On the outer side, they will appear logic, reasonable and with well-established goals in life. They often dismay the notion that they are capable of accurately reasoning and understand the impacts of antisocial or unlawful behaviors. Psychopaths also seem to be able to self-examine themselves and will often criticize themselves for mistakes conducted in the past (Verona, 2017). As a result, these camouflaging features often make it very difficult to spot a psychopath from first interactions. However, under close or clinical exami ...
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