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MY answer to the questions
1) “Marketing can be used to promote a materialistic lifestyle.” Explain using specific
points from Kotler’s talk why the 1
sentence is not always true. Discuss the relationship
between marketing and demand using Kotler’s comments on this topic. Does marketing
make us buy things we don’t really need?
Marketing promotes a materialistic mindset by moving to a more material world than
products and a lot of constantly changing services, and for Kotler's talk about the first
sentence is not always true as companies that sell beer always say "please always enjoy
beer and drink a lot" This is of course not real and don't listen to them but they try to
Strive for it as much as possible. As for the relationship between marketing and demand,
we return at the beginning to the classical economics, in which they spoke that demand is
affected by price only, and the famous example “lowering the price increases the demand,”
this was the thought of the classic. And full sales and agents, and it was a neglect of the
classics, so marketing is technically a branch of economics, and the book “Dale Carnegie”
began: How to win friends and influence people and the relationship between marketing
and demand. In buying unnecessary things such as cigarettes, tobacco, and sometimes
drugs and beer in abundance, as mentioned previously.
2) “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which
half”. Explain both the Return on Investment (ROI) problem and propose possible
solutions on how we can overcome this challenge. Quote by John Wanamaker (1838-
Basically, we judge things from people who are, in principle, exposed cost per person when
we set an ad budget, and frankly, many of them were also in the bathroom or kitchen when
the ad came up. So...and increasingly, people are getting more on their televisions--on
their computer screens than they necessarily watch ads. I think the advertising industry is
making the SA mistake of placing too many ads now. I mean, there is very little content left
in some programs, with the number of ads all flashing 30 seconds. So, now about the
measurement. If you read the age of the ad, you will see a lot of data and claims that it
does not take your advertising budget and take 50% and convert it to digital advertising,
which one company did, and it was a terrible result. Because until you know what each
social mediator does, what you want is 10% of your budget to go that way, and then when
there is some evidence, you put another 5 or 10 percent into that particular use of social
3) Why would you want to attract the minimum viable audience in marketing?
Depending on Seth Godin speech Find the minimum viable audience, not the largest
possible audience The smallest one you can live with because if you can identify who it
really is you can make them happy If you ignore everyone else you are hooking up to make

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people happy You started with Zoom out Next idea Zoom in This is a company called
Water Health International Water Health International is making change Happen, they
will set this booth in a village that has no clean water if you don't have clean water for you.
You have to spend hours going to get dirty water and it changes your health and changes
your economics Something interesting about the health of water beside the fact that they
are changing the lives of many people in India. If you want to fill this bucket the cost of
water is about a nickel, they won't fill it for you unless it's a blue bucket Why is that good?
They will tell you that because if you bring an older bucket, it may contain germs and you
may get infected sick and then they will be blamed but the real reason is more and more
people start holding the blue bucket city dwellers like we do things like this it stands for
something now the interesting thing that happens when a water health booth opens in a
village there's no first-line One day, I was lucky for three families how can this be that they
do not want clean water to nickel well. Turns out every new idea in every culture in every
country doesn't go viral on the first day the first iPhone wasn't on sale and not many
people bought one because ideas spread through Culture differently when we talk about
it in a minute so how do you speed it up well here is one thing, they did healthier water
obtained by battery-powered microscopes and brought from them to local primary
4) Marketers have great power to change things, but also a great responsibility. Discuss
what Seth means by this statement.
Seth explains that marketers have power now, and with that leverage comes to the
responsibility to say we can change what we make, we can change how we do it, we can
change who we serve, and if we change all of these things, the people we serve will be
better.Starts to tell a story about Carlint which is a percussion instrument it turns out in
our economy once you figure something out someone else is going to copy you and once
they do that it's no longer a free ride and I think that's cool, I love this group called the
mastermind because what it means to be in the mastermind is that you are surrounded
by people who are each smarter than you and that we all know better than any of us
that everyone deals with their fear, everyone deals with insisting that we have bosses or
co-workers or boards of directors who don't see what we want them to see, but if we
could learn how to Talk about it, and how to put the idea into the world, maybe we can
take on the responsibility to make a difference.
5) Per Seth’s comments, discuss how “measuring clicks” is different from building a
Seth explains that we can't measure clicks if we're doing that clicks can help us compare a
to B but they can't tell us if we're actually building a brand and then totally true story what
well I mean well let me ask you a different question have you ever been at the airport
where they offered you money to give up your seat because it was overbooked do you
take the money good for you. Most people don't take the money you've seen this right
these are people who scrape together the nickels to get on the flight 200 bucks for an
hour delay you don't want 200 bucks for an hour of your time and a safe warm place with
free Wi-Fi well no I don't why well it's bad karma I've already made my commitment I have
my seat I'm filled with fear what we'll have not the kind of person that sells their time to

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MY answer to the questions 1) “Marketing can be used to promote a materialistic lifestyle.” Explain using specific points from Kotler’s talk why the 1st sentence is not always true. Discuss the relationship between marketing and demand using Kotler’s comments on this topic. Does marketing make us buy things we don’t really need? Marketing promotes a materialistic mindset by moving to a more material world than products and a lot of constantly changing services, and for Kotler's talk about the first sentence is not always true as companies that sell beer always say "please always enjoy beer and drink a lot" This is of course not real and don't listen to them but they try to Strive for it as much as possible. As for the relationship between marketing and demand, we return at the beginning to the classical economics, in which they spoke that demand is affected by price only, and the famous example “lowering the price increases the demand,” this was the thought of the classic. And full sales and agents, and it was a neglect of the classics, so marketing is technically a branch of economics, and the book “Dale Carnegie” began: How to win friends and influence people and the relationship between marketing and demand. In buying unnecessary things such as cigarettes, tobacco, and sometimes drugs and beer in abundance, as mentioned previously. 2) “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. Explain both the Return on ...
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