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Soda Ban 1

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Soda Ban

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Soda Ban
Question 1
The Health Board in New York City imposed a Soda Ban on the city. The Soda Ban is a
limitation of selling sugary beverages in containers that exceed 16 ounces. This ban is imposed
on food service establishments such as delis and restaurants. This ban is however not intended to
prohibit convenience stores and vending machine operators (Grynbaum, 2012). This ban was
socially rejected by most people in New York City ranging from small business owners to the
consumers and even the court. Small business owners have firmly rejected this ban because it
will harm them in a selective and unfair. This is because it is discriminative to allow the food
service establishments from selling sugary beverages in large cups while allowing large
competitors such as convenience stores (7-Eleven) to sell sugary drinks in large containers. This
means that consumers would choose to buy the sugary beverages from convenience stores where
they are not limited hence resulting in the loss of profit for the small businesses.
Consumers, on the other hand, have rejected this ban on the fact that it violates their right
of making their choices. Consumers also feel that the ban will not have any impact on health as it
advocates claim since it is selectively implemented. This means that a consumer can buy large
sugary beverages at convenience stores that are not banned or even get two cups of sugary
beverages of 16 ounces since refilling is not prohibited. The decision of the court to reject the
ban can also be viewed as part of the social rejection of the Soda Ban. According to the court that
rejected the ban, it stated that the ban was subjective and unconventional (Grynbaum, 2013).

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Running head: SODA BAN 1 Soda Ban Name Professor Institution Course Date SODA BAN 2 Soda Ban Question 1 The Health Board in New York City imposed a Soda Ban on the city. The Soda Ban is a limitation of selling sugary beverages in containers that exceed 16 ounces. This ban is imposed on food service establishments such as delis and restaurants. This ban is however not intended to prohibit convenience stores and vending machine operators (Grynbaum, 2012). This ban was socially rejected by most people in New York City ranging from small business owners to the consumers and even the court. Small business owners have firmly rejected this ban because it will harm them in a selective and unfair. This is because it is discriminative to allow the food service establishments from selling sugary beverages in large cups while allowing large competitors such as convenience stores (7-Eleven) to sell sugary drinks in large containers. This means that consumers would choose to buy the sugary beverages from convenience stores where they are not limited hence resulting in the loss of profit for the small businesses. Consumers, on the other hand, have rejected this ban on the fact that it violates their right of making their choices. Consumers also feel that the ban will not have any impact on health as it advocates claim since it is selectively implemented. This means that a consumer can buy large sugary beverages at convenience stores that are not banned or even get two cups of sugary b ...
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