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Apprehension In Small Group Communication.edited

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Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture
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Apprehension in small group communication
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Apprehension in small group communication
Question one
My score is nine, and I feel it is an accurate representation of my small group
apprehension. Generally, I feel comfortable and perfectly composed when in small group
discussions in an informal environment. Small discussions groups make me feel less anxious
than larger groups, such as in a public speaking setting which makes me nervous and
Question two
The type of situation in a small group discussion is one of the factors that may make me nervous,
this might happen when I am not familiar with the group discussion context since I may not be
sure how they will react (Croucher et al., 2019). However, my apprehension reduces as I
familiarize myself with the group; I get more comfortable and composed. I have not experienced
group hate, and thus my anxiety level is low.
Question three
One way of reducing apprehension is to earlier preparation through attaining more
information about the audience, the topic of discussion, and the manner of discussion (Rahmani
& Croucher, 2017). This makes one present an idea orderly to reduce confusion when addressing
the group since uncertainty increases apprehension. Another idea of reducing apprehension is by
focusing on the audience and not oneself to establish eye contact with the audience, which makes
one feel connected to the audience, reducing tension.
Question four

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1 Apprehension in small group communication Name of Student Institution affiliation Name of Professor Course code Date 2 Apprehension in small group communication Question one My score is nine, and I feel it is an accurate representation of my small group apprehension. Generally, I feel comfortable and perfectly composed when in small group discussions in an informal environment. Small discussions groups make me feel less anxious than larger groups, such as in a public speaking setting which makes me nervous and intimidated. Question two The type of situation in a small group discussion is one of the factors that may make me nervous, this might happen when I am not familiar with the group discussion context since I may not be sure how they will react (Croucher et al., 2019). However, my apprehension reduces as I familiarize myself with the group; I get more comfortable and composed. I have not experienced group hate, and thus my anxiety level is low. Question three One way of reducing apprehension is to earlier preparation through attaining more information about the audience, the topic of discussion, and the manner of discussion (Rahmani & Croucher, 2017). This makes one pres ...
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