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Cap Budgeting

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OFFICIAL (CLOSED) \ NON-SENSITIVE Sales Units 3,760 3,900 4,230 4,180 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Cash sales in the current month Cash collection for credit sales from previous month Cash disbursement in the current month Cash collection for credit sales from previous month $ # Selling Price Per unit $19.05 $19.05 $19.05 $19.05 50,139.60 30% $ 33,050.40 40% Selling and Administrative Expenses paid within the month $8,000 Beginning Cash $10,000 Cash Receipt Budget Sep-21 Oct-21 Sales Revenue $71,628 $74,295 Cash sales in the current month Cash collection for credit sales from previous month Total Cash Receipts $50,140 $52,007 $0 $50,140 $21,488 $73,495 Sep-21 Oct-21 Purchases $55,084 $57,135 Expenses paid in current month Expenses for previous month paid in current month Selling and Administrative Expenses paid within the month Total Cash Disbursement $33,050 $34,281 $0 $22,034 $8,000 $41,050 $8,000 $64,315 Cash Disbursement Budget Cash Budget OFFICIAL (CLOSED) \ NON-SENSITIVE Beginning Cash Add: Cash Receipts Cash avaiilable for Disbursements Less: Cash Disbursements Ending Cash Balance # Sep-21 Oct-21 $10,000 $50,140 $60,140 $41,050 $19,089 $19,089 $73,495 $92,584 $64,315 $28,270 Part b An operational budget will be beneficial to my company as it helps to keep track of the entire business by monitor and money that is projected to come in thereby helping the company to maximize profitability. OFFICIAL (CLOSED) \ NON-SENSITIVE C ...
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